impatient about waitlists

<p>When do profs reply to waitlists? After school starts?</p>

<p>If I signed up nearly a month ago and I haven't heard a response, should I just assume that I won't get into that course without some serious course actioning?</p>

<p>if there’s a waitlist the whole point is that they won’t let you course action.
i would wait until after the first week of classes because that is when people class shop/drop, but have a decent schedule otherwise. you have 4 years to take these classes there’s no need to get everything in your first year.</p>

<p>I’ve been waitlisted for some classes since I first signed up lol. (I’m going on 2 months now?) I’m not too worried. It’s not only the professors, but students as well. When students sign up, the classes they want may be full so to make sure they get into some class, they sign up for another class they really don’t want to take. Other students might want to take that class but it’s full so they waitlist and sign up for another class someone else wants to take, etc, etc. </p>

<p>Make sure you go to the first class though. Some profs go through and take attendance. If your not there on day 1, they’ll kick you out of the class and take the people there from the waitlist.</p>