Important - Don't Move this - Everyone read

<p>Ok, so as you know, you have to submit Teacher Recommendations, School Forms, Mid-Year Forms. However, although you apply online for commonapp, teachers prefer that you give them paper forms. Thus, instead of using the online "school form invite" option, you have to download the forms. Now, colleges say that, if you are using the paper version, you should make sure your commonapp id is at the bottom of the page (without it, your form is void).</p>

<p>Well there's a problem. When you go to download forms on the commonapp website, it only lets you do this when you're logged out. So, as you download forms, your ID doesn't appear anywhere. And, I don't think you can just write your ID in pen at the bottom. What do we do?</p>

<p>Why can't you write your ID at the bottom with a pen?</p>

<p>because it's not like that...there has to be some way to do it...and if its printed its more formal</p>

<p>why don't you screenshot it or copy paste or something instead of printing it right off.</p>

<p>trust me man...its not that simple....there should be a place where we can directly print not the only one with this problem</p>

<p>You could just set up a word document consisting only of your ID on the bottom of the page - then print a "test" page to be sure it's printing where you want it; then send the form through. My D actually used a typewriter for some of these things (luckily we still have one!).</p>

<p>You also could ask CA support (Support</a> Center%5DSupport">;/p>

<p>bump bump lol..important</p>

<p>Relax, 19921992.</p>

<p>It does not matter that it is "more formal", that won't make any difference if you write it in.</p>

<p>And, I think kpalmal had a very good suggestion. That's how we did this kind of thing last year.</p>

<p>Chill out and don't freak out over little things like this.</p>


<p>Write it in.</p>

<p>Funny, I never did that and everything turned out fine. Just luck?</p>

<p>Be happier, calm down, go get some or something. It's a legitimate question to ask, but if you're freaking out about how to write a number on the bottom of the form, you got a bumpy road ahead.</p>