Important Info about ED Decision Applications

To everyone who applied ED1, In the student center on canelink, under finances it says accept/decline financial awards (when you click on that), i used to have nothing there in my application but now it says year 2018, award access not available. does everyone have that, yes or no. Please just comment with a yes or no


@cbellamy1998 think it means nothing?

Im not to worried about it.

mine says that too hopefully thats good news!

if its the same as last year the decisions should come out today, last year the scholarship award letter showed up in communications before the decisions as well as the financial award accept/decline showed year 16/17 award , the decisions came out at 5 that day

@jrose54321 if you don’t mind me asking what are ur stats

did the accept/decline mean anything @keybiscayne ???

@yesman2 34 and 2.7 gpa uw, it is a giant stretch which is why i am nervous

my son was accepted last year e.d, we saw the financial award, (canes achievement) about 2 hours before the acceptance letter, good luck

what did it say exactly? Do you remember if it had 2017 AND 2018 there and said “Award access not available.”??? Because yesterday it just had 2017 and next to it “Award access not available.” But now for me at least it says 2017 and 2018

@yesman2 mine says 2018 then the next column says university of miami then the next column says award access not available

I just want to know if everyone has it or not, cuz it could be nothing or it could be something. The only thing I think this means is that we are very likely to hear today

Also, @cbellamy1998 and @jrose54321 did either of u apply for financial aid because it seems that’s been updated a well for me

I have the same thing their too it says 2018 financial aid

under awards?

or under financial aid?

yes it says it under awards but i didnt apply for financial aid @yesman2 , you did?

no I did not apply for financial aid

It says it under both for me