<p>A go to a somewhat competitive highschool and I am currently a sophomore. My GPA is a 4.2/5.0 weighted, and a 4.0/4.0 unweighted. Last year I had a 4.4, and now I am worried my GPA is on the low side, is it? I do not know my current rank but last year with my 4.4, I was 25/628 students which is in the 3 percent tile. Although I don't necessarily wish to go to an ivy league school, I still want to go to a selective one, possibly ivy. Do I need to really boost my grades or am I just stressing?</p>
<p>I know I'm leaving out extracurriculara and SAT/ACT scores, so this is hard to determine, but in general what do you think of my current position. What scores would I need to get into an ivy league school or what ec's should I be doing?</p>
<p>I think you're stressing too much...you've still got a while before applying to colleges to get back to a 4.4 or above if that's what you want. A 4.4 GPA and you're 25th? That seems pretty competitive to me. I'm not an ivy league expert so I'll leave that question alone and let someone else answer. For EC's, make sure they're things that you actually ENJOY doing and try to take on a leadership role (club officer) in atleast a few of them. Things like community service, sports (if you like them), clubs related to your major if your school offers them (FBLA, FFA, etc.). But don't get overwhelmed and enjoy what you have left of high school! :)</p>
<p>how is it possible that you have a 4.0/4.0 unweighted and are ranked 25th in your class. A 4.0 uw is the absolute best you could do, and in theory you should be #1 in your class, not 25th.</p>
<p>okay OP, take a deep breath and eat a cookie</p>
<p>you need to calm down....you have 2 1/2 years left of HS, and if you feel like this know with an almost perfect GPA, i can't imagine how you will get through it</p>
<p>It is either compentitiive, btw way or there is grade inflation</p>
<p>grade inflation has really become insane. If I was an admissions officer I would completely ignore grade point averages and class ranks. It seems to me that high schools are just trying to boost their prestige and ignoring how it hurts the credibility of the grade point average as a placement tool.Then again I am a little biased. One of my two high schools only offers honors and AP classes so weighted grades would be completely worthless. I really am fed up with the way our education system has become though. I mean if 25 students all have perfect grade point averages the courses can't be that rigorous. Unless this school collected all of the smartest kids in the area, I don't see this as a possibility. My math & science center only has about 6 seniors left with perfect grade point averages. I'm speaking of a school where alumni return to tell current students that their first two years of college at the country's best schools were review. Unless these 25 students are taking classes at this level of difficulty they don't deserve anything higher than a 4.0.</p>
<p>you better start taking more APs or IBs, or else you may sink to the 10 % range. This won't be good. I'm not joking, like some others. People have high expectations.</p>