Walton hall

<p>My son is Freaking out because he got assigned to Walton Hall. Is it really that bad. Before this, he was on temporary housing. He moves in 10 days. :(</p>

<p>Sent from my HTC Glacier using CC App</p>

<p>The people in it are obnoxious, that’s about it. He will be fine. I had a friend who lived there and didn’t enjoy it, but he survived. If he isn’t interested in all their stupid traditions, tell him to say no and if he gets any flack, tell an RA.</p>

<p>and it depends on his frame of reference…which dorms had he listed as his choices? I know someone who lived there 2 years ago, and he wasn’t crazy about it but was able to be moved to another dorm for the next semester. Like Chaos said, he managed okay.</p>

<p>Thanks.so much for info… </p>

<p>Sent from my HTC Glacier using CC App</p>

<p>What traditions does this dorm have?</p>

<p>They are really into bonfire. They go to Sbisa together and make a pretty big mess, and bang on the table when they leave. If it’s your birthday and you’re in their group, they throw you into fish pond. It’s kind of funny to watch them.</p>

<p>I’m actually living there for the year. Everyone above is correct; Walton is pretty infamous for its students just hanging outside of the building the whole day. Some people find them obnoxious. I personally don’t care. I’m pretty sure they’re not going to harass and annoy the other people. It’s not a bad thing, he’s just gonna have to ignore them.</p>

<p>This is a completely unrelated question, but how do you post a new thread on here?</p>

<p>There’s a button at the top that says “New Thread.” Just click it and write what you want to post.</p>

<p>I’m currently living in Walton, and I have to say that only bits and pieces of what was said above are true. </p>

<p>We are into the now off-campus Bonfire. A large portion of our fall events focus around building Bonfire. Early in the semester, the upperclassmen try to get as many people interested as possible, so it might seem like harassment to some, but it’s not like we come around every day to ask you if you’re interested in hanging out. </p>

<p>Aside from Bonfire, we have lots of weekly events. Every weekday, we go to dorm dinner in Sbisa. As for the whole banging the tables when we leave, that’s actually just one designated guy from the dorm, and the cleaning staff has told us that they appreciate how well we clean up after we’re done eating. Other weekly events include movie night and game night with our sister dorms, Neeley and Legett, and the occasional sporting event, such as ultimate frisbee or kickball. </p>

<p>As for us being obnoxious while sitting outside, I think a lot of that conception comes from our unduly bad reputation. A lot of people have an opinion of Walton guys who have never met one before. Typically, we only shout a few things to people who walk by outside: either “Howdy!” to a passerby, or “Do a trick!” to someone who rides by on a bike or skateboard. If the person on the bike or board does just about anything, we all yell “Trick rocks!” A lot of people get a kick out of it. </p>

<p>As far as our reputation goes, a lot of it is inherited. As just about everyone has experienced, it takes a lot of positive experiences to offset one bad one. If one person a while ago has a bad experience, they’re much more likely to tell their friends who tell their friends, etc. It’s a vicious cycle. </p>

<p>Some of the things we do are a bit odd, yes, but if you live in Walton and you don’t want to participate, there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s your choice whether Walton is where you sleep and study or if it’s home.</p>