<p>I'm a national merit finalist (just got my letter yay!) and i LOVE rochester. completely. but im pretty sure i can get full tuition to richmond and rhodes (a tuition exchange program with the dad my school teaches at) is there any possibility in there being an increase in national merit scholarship money rochest offers? when my mom called to ask how much it was the rep. she talked to said that they were trying to increase it, but im not sure how realistic that is. if there was even the remote possibility of the 22,000 being increased (even though that IS a lot) it would be ridiculously excellent for me to use when im trying to beg my parents to send me to rochester.</p>
<p>Dear jocool: hopefully I can take advantage of you to ask a question rather than answer
one- how are you so sure of the “22000” in the first place? Did the admissions rep quote this number? I don’t seem to be able to find any written guarantee of that on their website. By the way my son is in the same boat, Rochester is one of his top choices and he just got his National Merit Finalist notitification. But, the merit aid factor is very important to us.</p>
<p>My family has called Rochester, and the award for $22,000 a year was verified for us on several different occasions. We are trying to decide what school to put first for merit aid considerations too.</p>
<p>Below is a response I received today from a student employee in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions regarding National Merit Scholarship at U of R deadline for selecting them as a 1st choice and the amount of the scholarship:</p>
<p>Congratulations to on his achievement! The NMSC has its own
deadline system; the details are on pages 3 and 4 of this document:
<a href=“http://www.nationalmerit.org/Merit_R&I_Leaflet.pdf[/url]”>http://www.nationalmerit.org/Merit_R&I_Leaflet.pdf</a>. National Merit Award
Winners receive $2000 on top of any merit award from the university.
This is renewable via a form sent annually from the NMSC. </p>
<p>So I’ve seen on their web site something like $15000, 22K on this forum, and $2,000 from this employee in the admissions office. I’m not sure what the real amount is.</p>
<p>since UR is a participating NM school, the $2000 prize is renewable for four years (unilike non-participating schools), but also, UR will “sweeten the pot” with additional merit aid sometimes, to entice NM finalists to attend. D received a Rush Rhees scholarship, along with her NM award.</p>
<p>i thought we couldnt double up on scholarships? is that the award nmsc gives or what rochester gives? and ive seen 22,000 multiple times and if that’s true, thats wonderful! i put it as my frist choice even though that’s still not exactly enough money to convince my parents to send me there, but i don’t know why since the only other way would be to get renaissance, which is a stretch.</p>
<p>FYI, jocool, Renaissance invitations will be coming out in about 2 weeks (first week of March)–so you might want to hold off making any decisions.</p>
<p>OHZark, we apologize for the confusion. The total amount you can receive as a NMF is $22K. We are currently updating our website with the correct amount.</p>