Indi or Wisco

<p>What has a better business school, which will provide me with better oppurtunities? Indiana or Wisconsin</p>

<p>Varies. UW is better for some majors and IU is better for others and non are that far apart. Overall a toss-up. I think UW is doing more to improve right now and the tuition surcharge will help a lot.</p>

<p>You must make this decision based on strictly rational criteria.</p>

<p>Would you rather be associated with a fierce, handsome animal like a badger or with something called a "hoosier?"</p>

<p>Both are fine choices as far as undergraduate business schools go. If you plan to double major or minor in other areas like econ or engineering, you may find Wisc more attractive. </p>

<p>My suggestion is to take advantage of the admitted student events to really get to know each campus. Before your visit, seek out student contacts of student organizations (from the school website) and talk to them while you are there. Then, just go with your gut feeling. Good luck!</p>

<p>You're posting on the UW site so I'll put in my plug for Madison. I lived in Indy for a bit eons ago and saw Bloomington campus, Madison's so much better in my book. Have been in IN often in recent years, prefer WI. My bias; as above, you have to check out the campuses to see which feels best.</p>

<p>yeah, and UW is a much better school overall.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I just finished reading this article about the UW and think that it could be of use to you since it refers to business majors also.</p>

<p>"In the School of Business, 451 applications were received for the recent spring admissions cycle; 209 students were admitted."</p>