<p>Does anyone want to describe for me what a typical day during indoc is like or any opinions about the whole indoctrination process?</p>
<p>This is a LI news video about Day 1 of indoc last year.</p>
<p>[YouTube</a> - USMMA Indoc ()](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSSkbLpmbLs]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSSkbLpmbLs)</p>
<p>Yeah I’ve seen that before but I was looking for more of a first hand account.</p>
<p>:) I think that pretty much shows it. My son was a DI last Indoc and basically if you just listen, don’t act too stupid and work hard you will be fine. It is a lot…a lot of running so be in shape.</p>
<p>My son was physically ready and thought he was emotionally ready, but he said the thing that got to him the most was the yelling. He also hated that it took 20mins. to make a bed and the D.I.'s would come in and mess them up. That drove him nuts.</p>
<p>Okay. I’m currently a plebe now (hopefully recognized within the next two months) and this is from what I remember.</p>
<p>A typical Indoc day was pretty much physically tiring. Not just because of all the running or IT sessions (man were those fun), but it was because we ALWAYS had something to do. You will barely have time for yourself throughout the day ( if any) and you will always do whatever they tell you to do. Overall, it was more mental for me than physical (and you want it to be that way, so make sure you’re in shape), and the days go by real fast once you start getting “into the motion.” I don’t want to give you a schedule because that would just ruin the surprise, hehe. Just remember to do what you’re told, get through the physical training, and keep your head up. </p>
<p>Don’t quit. You got accepted here for a reason. You are going here for a reason. Always think positive and you’ll make it through. Indoc was honestly the easiest part about this place. You’ll see soon enough.</p>
<p>Worst part of the day? Waking up. xD</p>
<p>oh, and I happen to be in that video, haha. but I’m not pointing myself out.</p>
Dream on… :)</p>
<p>Seriously though cero, your class sucks</p>
<p>My son who was a DI was worried that by some dumb luck 12 would be recognized before he got back from sea and he would miss it…then he laughed and told me…no way…they will be lucky to be recognized before 09 graduation :D</p>
<p>I can agree with the fact that my class does have some flaws, but all I can say is time will tell.</p>
<p>OH, and CERO…the upper class Mids have been bemoaning the stupidity of the plebes forever, as I’m sure you will do as well when you get there :D</p>
<p>Seems to me I heard many of the same complaints a year ago :)</p>
<p>here are some great pictures… some of every day… you will get the idea as you look at the pictures…</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.usmma.edu/parents/indoc%202008%20Photo%20Archives.htm[/url]”>http://www.usmma.edu/parents/indoc%202008%20Photo%20Archives.htm</a></p>