Industrial Design

How hard is it to get into ID at Tech? Is it very competitive program?

How “hard” it is depends entirely on how difficult it is for you to get a high GPA and standardized test scores. That is obviously harder for some than others. That said, it is more competitive than say university studies or arts and sciences to get accepted into. “Highly competitive programs of study include engineering, architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, or industrial design” from their own website You would want to be at the upper end of VT’s admissions.

I know that VA Tech is one of the few schools that doesn’t require a portfolio for ID. What I’m wondering is whether they actually accept students who don’t have one. Is it really based mostly on GPA and scores?

Literally answered in their FAQ

Q: Is a portfolio required for admission?
A: No. Many high schools do not teach art classes. Our Foundation Design Laboratories (ARCH 1015, 1016) provide the design fundamentals needed to be a successful designer. Admissions are primarily based on a student’s grade point average and SAT or ACT score.

Thanks @hokie_gl32 - I saw that answer in the FAQ but still wondered how many kids with no art background or portfolio are actually applying and getting in (which might be something that only admissions and people in the program would know, now that I think about it).

A student who is applying to a bunch of ID programs will likely have a portfolio, since most of the programs seem to require them. High stats + portfolio seems like it would be preferred to high stats + no portfolio.

My son’s HS does offer plenty of art classes, but he has used his extra elective on music so far (rising junior).

Anyway, he’s very much in the exploratory stage of figuring out what to major in and might try VT’s Inside Architecture & Design next summer if he can get in.

You might want to email admissions and ask, though they may not actually record that sort of info and will probably just give you the same line as the FAQ. If it was legitimately a big deal, they would make it required or use stronger language. Your son is probably fine. At the end of the day GPA and test scores are way more important at VT compared to other metrics. If you are still worried about it, then your son should just take an art class before he graduates. If his HS has some sort of CAD class that would be very valuable as well, you could use renderings in a portfolio.

Thanks @hokie_gl32. I’m not exactly worried about it, just exploring options and was actually surprised to come across an ID program with no portfolio requirement (and actually hopeful to see that it might be possible to do this major without a long history of art classes). Trying to fit one in senior year is a good idea.

Several top ID programs don’t require portfolios. For example, check out University of Cincinnati, Georgia Tech and Auburn. The art schools all require a portfolio, but the state school programs don’t always require them and may not even take them. You definitely can get into ID at Virginia Tech without a portfolio.