<p>How do you choose a college when your family is divided on the issue. When I went to a certain high school half my family loved the idea, while the others thought it wasnt fair to my sibling. Now I have the option to go to a school my sibling couldn't afford for a better price. Or I could go to the school my sibling currently attends. Either way I'm going to upset someone. Should I choose a neutral school that neither dislikes? I want to make a choice but dont know what to do.</p>
<p>You mean, you got a better scholarship than your sibling did, so it would not actually be that expensive? Can you give a few more details?</p>
<p>Too vague.</p>
<p>Ask your sibling how he/she feels if you take advantage of your better offer?</p>
<p>You should choose what you most want to do, yourself. You really can’t make your decisions in life based on trying to keep other people happy. For one thing, it won’t work, for another thing, whatever you think you are doing to “keep them happy” now isn’t necessarily going to be appreciated. Also, and you are too young to understand this, if you give up opportunities now for the sake of someone else, you will grow to resent them over time to a point where it won’t matter what they do, THEY will never be able to make YOU happy. It sets up a system where everyone is busy doing a bunch of math about what everyone did or gave up for the sake of someone else. (Nobody wins with this.)</p>
<p>So, the best thing to do is to non-condescendingly acknowledge your own strengths while understanding your sibling is going to have other advantages and opportuniites in life…and do what you think is best for you. The less of a big deal you make of it, the better your sense of humor and humility, the less they will have an opinion. Or, if they are insane and think they own you? The best thing to do is to do what is best for you now so they will understand that they do not…own you, that is. Good luck.</p>