international student question!

<p>hi guys,</p>

<p>I am an international students from Germany applying to college in the US. I am filling out my financial aid forms at the moment and i have a couple questions regarding the IM. I read the Princeton review "paying for college without going broke" and there are still some things which i don't quite get.</p>

<p>Does the IM calculate excately the same income and asset protection allowances for internationals as it calculates for domestic students? For example there is a state/other tax allowance or a Medcial taxes allowance for us students. I was wondering whether the other taxes also apply to internationals. Do the same income and asset protection allowances apply to internationals?</p>

<p>And which colleges cap home euity or the current market value at 2.4 (or lower) times income? Is there a comprehensive list??</p>

<p>thank you for your help!</p>

<p>There is no ONE institutional method. CSS PROFILE schools take the info on the forms and use their own formulas. Asset protection will vary at each school.</p>

<p>I don’t think anyone can know how each school handles the CSS info from int’ls since they all come from different countries with different taxes and each CSS school has its own formula anyway. I know that every spring there are int’ls posting that they were not awarded enough aid.</p>

<p>If you’re concerned that you won’t get enough financial aid (if accepted), then you should apply to some financial safety schools (schools that give int’ls merit scholarships for their stats). However, if you have a German school that you’ll go to if the top US schools won’t work out, then great.</p>

<p>thank you for your reply! yes i have some schools in germany, I will definitely be able to go to so it won’t be a problem if i do not get enough aid - i was just curious about that process.</p>