International tuition

For state universities, do the international students pay the non-resident tuition which is same as American citizens who reside outside the state? I see in-state tuition and out-of-state tuition but nothing specific for international students.

You have to check each school’s policy, are you currently living in the US? It is possible in some states to be an international student (because you are not a US citizen or Permanent Resident). And still get in-state tuition because you live in the state and have graduated high school in that state (ex. NY).

There are states where if you are not a citizen/permanent resident where even though you have lived there for many years, graduated h.s. In that state , but still not be eligible for in-state tuition.

There is no separate international tuition rate. Some colleges may charge a small international student fee to cover special programs for international students.

Yes usually the international students pay the OOS tuition, and they may also pay an additional fee to the school because there is additional paperwork the college has to deal with. The international student will also pay visa fees, travel fees, etc.

Usually, Internationals pay the OOS rate, though some schools (like UIUC) have an International rate.