interview coming up!

<p>does anyone know how conservative the school is? i'm pretty much counting on the question about a current event, only i'm afraid my answer might be too liberal for them. is this sort of "separation from the pack" good? or should i try to be more conservative and conforming?</p>

<p>It’s not that conservative. It also accepts a wide range of opinions - it’s a “chill” school, I’ve been told. Go ahead and voice your opinion. (Besides, would you want to go to a school at which you would be uncomfortable voicing your beliefs? If they won’t accept you because of it, you’re better off not being there.)</p>

<p>I believe the school is pretty liberal. At their recent Parent/Alumni weekend they had Steven Colbert as a guest speaker. He was incredible and it was pretty evident that the majority of the audience was liberal.<br>
As Chedva said, you need to be true to yourself and not change just to get into a college. The fit needs to be right.<br>
If you have the chance, visit with students while you are there to get their take on things.</p>

<p>politically the student population is pretty apathetic. don’t worry about being too liberal. there is a healthy mix of people from both sides of the political spectrum but no one really cares too much. as for the interview, be yourself. the interview is only for your benefit, it really can’t hurt unless you confess to murder or something.</p>