<p>Okay so I am basically applying for only one school - Andover this year. I feel that its the only school worth leaving my current school for.
I have interviews soon, and I was just wondering what I should expect.
<p>Also, i didnt do too well on my ssat [82%] but i did take the psat and got a 92%
do u think i should attach my psat scores?</p>
<p>Also, i was just wondering, for the interview can you talk about EC’s you used to do but you do not anymore?
do previous EC’s count as an activity in the admission office’s eyes?</p>
<p>From popular opinion, anything above a 79% is a safe qualifying score for top tier schools (personally I would suggest 85 but I know nothing). Not so sure about the previous EC question…</p>
<p>i applied to andover also and they are extremely nice and friendly.
i mentioned my EC’s that i have done before, such as flute.
i have no idea if it makes a difference, but it couldnt hurt and it can show that you are up for trying different things.</p>
<p>Andover’s interviewer was very nice and friendly.
It takes about 30-40 min.
I prepared several questions.
Hope you enjoy the whole experience!!</p>