Inteviews this week, chance me please?

<p>I'm applying to Choate- Rosemary Hall and Hotchkiss as a sophomore (I’m currently a freshmen):
I got a 2313 on my ssats, in the 99 percentile,
I’m half Hispanic and speak Spanish fluently as well as English,
My grades are in the upper nineties and I’m pretty confident in my recommendations
I’m in a specially choir, drama club, on math team, key club (community service), and was selected for a university run math and science program back in my middle school years
I figure skate competitively and has also taken up crew
I also teach figure skating lessons and was involved with student council for a few years
Do I have a chance?</p>

<p>yes, you definitely do.
but so do many others.
however i think you will get in cuz your SSAT percentile is so high</p>

<p>SSAT scores (as you’ve probably guess) are excellent. :stuck_out_tongue: They’ll like that you’re Hispanic and speak Spanish, for sure. You do crew, most schools seem to love that sport. Your ECs seem just fine. Grades are average, about everyone has a million A+s. Pretty good chance. Good luck. :)</p>

<p>ooh thanks you guys that makes me feel alot better. So i went to my hotchkiss interview today and i ended up with a sick preganat lady, she was nice though, i guess they all are… oh btw i forgot to mention that i’ve played piano for seven years…</p>


<p>you sound like a GREAT applicant. though hotchkiss is a little in the middle of nowhere right? haha</p>

<p>they will love that you are hispanic (diversity), ice skating and crew are also sports schools like. </p>

<p>are you applying to any schools? Fa?</p>

<p>“Do I have a chance”

  1. everyone has a chance, whether its a good chance, well it depends
  2. Are you trying to brag? if you didn’t have a chance, list stats of someone that does, seriously? (speaks 10 languages, has a 140% SSAT, an olympic figure skater…) first of all, thats not possible (the 140% SSAT) second of all, there would be one person at every school. NOT EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE PERFET JUST TO GET INTO A SCHOOL!</p>