Intro chem vs. general chem

<p>Im a incoming freshman, thinking on taking Chem 1P, introductory chemistry, in the summer session. After i recieved an email in the following regard to Chem course requirement:</p>

<p>"*Chemistry course options:
There are various chemistry course options available to students based on your chemistry experience or proficiency. Please refer to the Guidelines For Choosing Your Chemistry Course at [url=<a href=""&gt;]Chemistry[/url&lt;/a&gt;]
Generally, Biological Sciences majors will select one of the following options:
1. Complete Chemistry 1P (introductory chemistry) at UCI during Summer 2009 or Fall 2009
2. Take Chemistry 1A (general chemistry) during Fall quarter 2009.
The chemistry courses at UCI are closely linked with the progress through biology courses. Falling behind in chemistry can delay your progress through the major. Bio Sci majors must complete general chemistry during their first year to maintain normal progress in the major. " </p>

<p>and this from UCI testing site:</p>

<p>"Chemistry 1A: The usual entry point is Chemistry 1A. Students who have had one year of high school chemistry will normally take the Chemistry 1ABC sequence (with accompanying labs Chemistry 1LB-LC) starting with Chemistry 1A."</p>

<p>I took chemistry at my high school, however my class was not difficult, since my teacher decided to handout everyone a notecard as a cheatsheet, for the incoming test. (hence decide not to take AP Chem) :(. My question to you guys is that whats the difference from intro chem class and a general chem class? Does general Chem starts the lesson at the begining? I mean, i know how to read a periodic table, how cations, antions combine, the basics. But I hardly know like gaussers law or any important formulas which is somewhere in the middle.</p>

<p>General Chem does start from the beginning. I had not taken chemistry since Sophomore year in high school and knew nothing at all and did just fine. I would only recommend 1P if you have never been exposed to chemistry.<br>
The placement test for general chemistry is basically basic math techniques, I didn’t even know what a mol was before I took chem 1A…</p>

<p>yep, general chem starts at the beginning. i took chem 1p last quarter and the professor prepared us for what we were gonna learn in chem 1a. im in chem 1a now and im relearning everything!</p>

<p>It is required in the beginning for biosci majors. I also started a thread, didn’t know you started the same thread ^^.</p>

<p>@phamous, did you take any chem classes in HS? Is the material hard to learn/cope with? How’s the pace, are you struggling?</p>

<p>i took chem in hs in the 9th grade…totally forgot everything when i came to irvine. the professor i had for chem prep (rentzepis) was horrible…but he was a good person, haha. he mumbles a lot so it was difficult to comprehend sometimes…but he taught at a good pace. stops to ask if everyone understands. curve is ridiculous too…in a good way.</p>

<p>right now i’m taking chem 1a with martin. she’s awesome. we’re learning some new stuff we didnt learn in prep but it’s good…honestly, i think it really depends on your professor. but if you can, take professor Rachel martin! :)</p>

<p>I had Potma for 1A and he is also very good.</p>

<p>yeahhh i had potma and he was good. i wouldnt take 1P unless you really feel you need to because 1A starts at the beginning, so i dno what you would learn in 1P</p>

<p>So am i supposed to take a chemistry placement exam for Chemistry 1A or not? Because on the placement exam website it says “Students who plan to enroll in general chemistry at UCI have four possible choices for their first chemistry lecture course. A placement test result is NOT needed to enroll in Chemistry 1A or 1P.”, but on the catalog it says i will need to. So, I am confused.</p>

<p>The catalog changes from year to year, so check that the catalog year applies to your entering class. I had to take one before my freshman year, but if you want to be on the safe side, you might as well take it (you don’t lose). 1P is just a waste of money, since they use one book for 1 quarter, whereas Chem 1A-B-C uses one book. Also, General Chemistry is does not get any more complex than the AP Chem test.</p>

<p>I would suggest taking it anyway, just to be safe.</p>

<p>To check what placement tests you need to take: [UCI</a> Testing Office](<a href=“]UCI”></p>

<p>Edit: Ah, I see what you mean. No, you don’t have to take it.</p>

<p>okay thank you :slight_smile: and if i didn’t take AP Chem…will i be in for a shocker or will i be alright?</p>

<p>I’ve heard from many people that we will be fine in chem 1A. Mostly because they cover the same material from 1P.</p>

<p>Just make sure you get a good professor, and check</p>

<p>chem 1p= high school chem. it assumes you dont know jack about chem and need the help.</p>

<p>chem 1a= AP chem. doesn’t really need you to know anything, teaches it to you.</p>

<p>unless you REALLY dont know jack about chem and struggle to learn it, take chem 1a.</p>

<p>Oh okay thank you :slight_smile: I feel much better!</p>