Iowa young writers studio 2022

for kenyon? there was a form in the acceptance email i think.

Iā€™m a bit late to the party butā€¦ I also got into session one in person!!! I actually donā€™t remember if I applied for creative writing or fiction or both. Just wondering, how do you know which track youā€™re in? (In the email I got it said that info on choosing core courses would come later?)

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haha same here, im just going to assume that iā€™m in creative writing as it includes both. maybe you can check your application essay to see if you mentioned it there?

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i second this. btw, for those that did get in, thought itā€™d be cool if I made a server to get to know each other before weā€™re thrown in for two weeks together this summer, what do yall think?


btw, the program acceptance packages are through

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I donā€™t think I mentioned it lmaoā€¦ but honestly Iā€™m hyped either way!!

That sounds great! Do you mean on discord?


Here is the discord server, for those interestedā€¦ Iowa Young Writers Studio

are you talking about the Acceptance Package that they said they were gonna send over email sometime early this week?


that is weird cuz i didnā€™t get itā€¦ was it sent to your personal email or to your guardianā€™s?

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it might be because weā€™re in different sessions, but we both got the packet

Hey guys whatā€™s good yall just joined this platform. I missed the deadline for Kenyon but got into Iowa 1st session in person. Donā€™t worry guys youā€™ll all turn out great!!! Just put in the grind and we will all make it.

Did it say how many people applied this year?

Email said over 1,000. Not sure exactly, though.

Hey Janine!
Weā€™re you able to switch yet? My daughter, Carrie, got admitted into session one and due to another opportunity coming up, she wants to switch to session two. We could email Steven Lovely and ask for the two to switch places in their respective sessions.
Thank you! Please let me know either way.

My daughter is admitted in session I but another opportunity come up and sheā€™d like to switch to session II. It might be a bit late right now. If anyone is in session II and would like to switch to session I, please let me know and we can talk to Mr. Lovely together.