Is 1 teacher rec enough?

<p>It says 2-3 is recommended but I am wondering if it is okay if I only sent in one? I mean I have a 32 ACT and a 3.95 GPA so I am hoping it is alright, but I'm kind of worried right now. Do you think one is fine?</p>

<p>I got accepted with none… just the counselor sheet filled out.</p>

<p>Why take the chance? I’ve read info where top students don’t get in or get deferred because they half-ass the essays or don’t have the recs. The admissions page recommends at least one teacher and a 2nd can be clergy, employer, coach etc. My son has a 4.0 uw and 35 ACT but I wouldn’t let him take chances like that. My son asked his long-time scoutmaster who guided him through his eagle.</p>

<p>If you feel uncertain, why not? If it’s a good rec, it will not hurt your chances. If you’re confident with one, then you’re confident with one. </p>

<p>I got in with one two years ago. Some get in with none. Others get in with 28. You’re better off going with what they recommend, however, because they recommend 2-3 for a reason.</p>

<p>Well I have worked hard on the essays so those should be good, hopefully that helps.</p>

<p>And Patok, can I ask what your stats were? And were you accepted this year?</p>

<p>Accepted this year. 34 act, 3.9UW, pretty half-ass essays. Felt my stats were good enough honestly. And it seems like they were</p>

<p>Agree with posters who say do it. It should be easy for you to get that second rec, just do it- it will take less of your time than posting here or agonizing over it.</p>



<p>I haven’t read that about Wisconsin, and I’ve been looking. Do you have sources?</p>

<p>The one source I saved a link to is:</p>

<p>[Wisconsin</a> Alumni Association <em>-</em>Getting In: Not So Secret Admissions Process](<a href=“]Wisconsin”></p>

<p>Under the No one reads personal statements section. There are also a few inferences elsewhere in the link. They don’t come off as strong as my statement perhaps but I’m amazed that some don’t take the time to write decent statements or get the recs they ask for. The ones who’ve posted here so far about being accepted have 32+ ACT and 3.9+ uw GPAs which is more tippy-top than top students.</p>

<p>Just to follow up, do you know of “tippy-top” students like your son getting rejected for having only 0-1 teacher recs and/or less than polished essays?</p>

<p>No I don’t.</p>

<p>Last I’ve check the school wants 2-3 rec’s, counsler rec, etc… if your a top student and competitive for the school you probably could get in with 1 rec.</p>

<p>I just got in with one. I was prepared to fire off four or five more if I got postponed.</p>