Is anyone attending the Accepted Student Days/Stayovers

<p>I'm doing the April 5-6 stayover...</p>

<p>Can anyone speak from past experience if the stay over was a helpful tipping factor?</p>

<p>I was wondering about this too…
Was it helpful? How was your host? What did you do?</p>

<p>When are the stayovers? I’m int’l so I didn’t get an invitation to the stayovers but I feel like e-mailing the admission officers and asking them if I can go. I’ll be in the States then anyway. </p>

<p>Hmm, what do ya think? I feel its pretty important.</p>

<p>Gapyearstudent…I would attend an overnight if you could.</p>

<p>I’m also doing the 5-6 sleepover and I’m a little worried–I hope my host is nice!</p>

<p>question: how do we apply for the sleepover and do we have to get to Geneseo ourselves, or will a bus be provided?</p>

<p>Going to preview day April1</p>

<p>Also going to preview day april 1st</p>

<p>I’ll add my name to the list of people going tomorrow.</p>

<p>How nice should we dress? I was just thinking khakis and a polo.</p>

<p>Wear whatever you want…no body cares.</p>

<p>And your hosts will be nice…Geneseo is full of nice kids…especially ones who signed up to be a host.</p>

<p>What did everyone think after their visit?</p>


<p>i felt as though it catered more to my parents and less to me (reception at the Big Tree Inn, lunch at the Big Tree Inn) …</p>

<p>my host wasn’t very good at all–as she was a “super-senior” who seemed pretty out of touch when i asked her questions about the general things a future-freshman would worry about… she self admittedly would not have gotten into Geneseo if she had to apply this year. I would have much rather preferred being paired with someone who was also looking into pre-law and was a bit closer in age/experience (maybe a freshman or sophomore) </p>

<p>i sat in on two classes (adolescent psych and hum II) which were very good; i didn’t get to to go on a formal tour because it was offered when my host wanted to take me to a class.</p>

<p>it’s unfortunate because my parents had a great and really dynamic tour guide. They got a much better impression than i did, but the in-state tuition might have also helped their impression ;)</p>

<p>I Definitely Agree!</p>

<p>My parents walked away with a much better impression of Geneseo than I did (I never even got to see the Big Tree Inn). My hosts were very out of touch (transfer students), and were very different from the typical (what I think of as typical) Geneseo freshman. </p>

<p>Admissions needs to do a better job matching accepted students with hosts from similar majors and interests. They also need to make sure that the hosts have classes that will be relavant to the accepted students (science majors DO NOT want to go to education classes).</p>

<p>My visit completely changed my impression of Geneseo…I will NOT be attending next year. Prior to my visit, I thought of Geneso students as being similar to those of private colleges, the only difference being that they were more cost conscious, but that was not that case. The Geneseo students I met did not seem interested in learning, or even attending class.</p>

<p>Maybe the students I met weren’t normal? Anyone have a different experience?</p>

<p>Its funny being a parent they did go all out for us. I had a much better impression after I left. My son liked the school but at the lunch he didnt seem to find kids he clicked with. I think another point that worried me was the closing of one of the dorms which will lead to triple rooms for approx 75 incoming freshman. The room they showed us was very small and I could not imagine a triple in there. They also state on the website that in a triple room you only have 2 desks and 2 dressers and 2 closets. I dont know how you could be organized like that. The last 75 people who accept will be tripled. Overall I did like Geneseo very much. For the price it is much better than Albany, Oneonta, and even Binghamton. I guess it would just depend if you have affordable private college options. I have another child ready for college in 3 years and I would definaltly apply to Geneseo again.</p>

<p>Wow…I couldn’t imagine being tripled. Those rooms were so small (definitely the smallest and ugliest I’ve seen on my college tours)!</p>

I have to agree…
The room they showed us was pretty bad. Thats the dorm they are closing.
They should really show a room in the newer dorms to give a better impression.</p>

<p>I have to say that our visit was great. My daughter’s hosts were very nice and took her under their wing. Although they had very different interests, it was still valuable for her to get their perspectives on the school. The next day at the lunch, she got to talk with kids who were more like her. She enjoyed her experience as did my husband and I. It seems like a great school at a great value. SHe got into some great private schools but is looking at tuitions above 50K per year if she goes there (no fin. aid). She’s waiting to hear on the Honors Program at Geneseo to make her final decision.</p>