Is AP exams worth taking?

<p>For anyone studying at UC:</p>

<p>Have anyone earned credit by taking AP tests?</p>

<p>I am condisering whether to take few AP exams right now. If I can score a nice score on some AP tests, does it mean that there will be classes I don't need to take?</p>

<p>I think that they are. I took the AP physics B exam and score a 5 last year. At UC, that’s 15 credit hours. There’s more info about AP creds on the website. It’s different for each subject and is applicable depending on your major.</p>

<p>Like szemartie says, go to their website and find out exactly what their policy is. It’s a lot better to have as many credits as you can and not need them than to need them later and not have them. Sometimes you change majors and credits you didn’t think would mean anything will allow you to start at a higher level or skip some classes altogether. I don’t know how much the tests cost now but it would be infinitely less than 15 credits of college classes.</p>

<p>Yes, J’adoube, I figured out that taking AP exams might means saving money.</p>

<p>So will Calculus or Physic be any useful if I plan to attend DAAP? Uc’s website doesn’t says much. Sorry I’m asking questions like these… My school can’t offer any information about AP exams and I have ao idea what kind of classes I will be taking after I attend UC. Thanks!</p>

<p>Cincinnati is very good at accepted AP credit. The problem with APs is that you need a certain score to get the credit. However, if you get a “C” or better by taking courses at your nearby community college, you will get the credit.</p>

<p>I’m going to be a student at DAAP this fall, and really my 2 AP exams won’t test me out of any classes on the curriculm, but I am hoping to use them to test out of the extra classes we must take.</p>

<p>groupiegurl, what are you going to major in? </p>

<p>After discussing with my mother I decided not to take AP exams. I am pretty sure I will be able to pass some of them, but then again, I think I should take some classes in UC I am good at to maintain a nicer GPA so I can renew my scholarship.</p>

<p>I have looked through DAAP’s curriculum, and I can not imagine how I can maintain a 3.2 GPA while I have to take 9 credits of history!!! I already have trouble studying history in Chinese, who knows how will I survive if I have to study all that in English.</p>

<p>I’m going into Architecture</p>