Is Georgetown Your #1?

<p>Not even Princeton? ;)</p>

<p>lol... seeing as how i'm not planning on applying to Princeton... that would be a yes, even Princeton...</p>

<p>my cousin actually wanted to go there ... african american female with 1510 SAT score, very active in extracurriculars, and spent a semester abroad in chile
she found their admissions ppl to be pretty arrogant and ended up happy at stanford.</p>

<p>Well... yes, but ALL the Ivies? That's more than just coincidence.</p>

<p>They are all good schools, though...someone might just apply to a bunch of good schools (a bad idea, I know).</p>

<p>That's true... ok. Let's agree to kind of disagree.</p>

<p>Disagreed. I mean agreed :p</p>

<p>hey, I applied to a whole bunch of schools(22) not because I am a "prestige whore" but because I want to choose my final destination(eery sounding isnt it) after having the letters in hand. Honestly I would be amicable to go to most (except for a safety) schools and I think I would be happy at most schools that I applied to. But... I would be most happy at one of the top colleges(wont say which to protect anonymity)</p>

<p>How did you even manage completing 22 applications? It was hard enough for me to do one lol</p>

<p>common app + 2 weeks of christmas vacation, oddly enough the hardest part was organizing all the pperwork that my school needed to send in, now that was annoying I had to use excel spreadsheets</p>

<p>how much $ did you spend on apps?</p>

<p>22 seems to me a bit excessive, but whatever floats your boat.</p>

<p>I won't commit to more than 6.</p>

<p>I spent around 1150 on app fees, not to mention the cost of sending transcripts(ap + community college) which is 750 ...1900 is quite expensive and my parents were annoyed that I applied to so many schools</p>

<p>Well, I'd go to McGill if money was an issue because it's a lot cheaper than private school in the US and has a good international reputation. The reason I like both Columbia and Georgetown is because Georgetown has a strong international relations program while Columbia has one of the best Middle Eastern Studies programs, both of which are important to me. Georgetown is a great city, but I would REALLY like to spend in the next four years in New York City because I love it and its pretty close so there won't be moving hassles twice a year, plus its not as preppy as Georgetown.</p>

<p>22 schools? thats what calidan likes to call, a presitge whore. Seriously, anyone like that has no deciveness, and is fooled by all the Us News top rankings, and all the other perception out there</p>

<p>im with calidan's "prestige whore" on that one, seriously that is way too excessive</p>

<p>people... that's why fee waivers work wonders! well, if you can get 'em. i was unlucky enough to be eligible.</p>

<p>Yes!- agreement. :D</p>

<p>holy crap...</p>

<p>I applied to one hahah</p>

<p>LOL nice...</p>

<p>I applied to 4 (including Georgetown), and 8 if you include the UCs (which I don't... because I wouldn't really pick any of them over Georgetown). I'm just keeping my applications in "just in case."</p>

<p>Hey calidan! <em>waves</em>
(Random comment, not related to gtown: I got a likely from UVa lol :) )</p>

<p>Hey, Zante! Congrats!!! Long time no CC, eh?</p>

<p>UVa is a wonderful school. :D</p>