Is it even worth it for me?

<p>Will it even be worth it for me to apply?</p>

<p>Gpa- 3.00/4.00 (3.24/4.6) I know, it's really low. (1 honor, 2 APs because my school sucks and didn't let anyone that didn't have straight A's take an honor until this year.)
Rank- Top 50%
Sat- 1140/1600 1710/2400 (M-620 R-520 W-520) Retaking in October
ACT- 25 (M-27 E-27 W-26 R-22 S-23)
Applying into the Corps of Cadets (NROTC)
Did all 3 essays.
A few ec's and sports</p>

<p>Intended Major- Possibly Civil or Chemical engineering</p>

<p>Senior Course Load:
Honors Pre Calculus
AP Statistics
Academic English IV
Gym/Health 12
Lab Physics
AP Psychology
1st Half- Criminology and Law 2nd Half- Sports Ent. Marketing</p>

<p>Basically I did the application, but I haven't submitted it yet because I am waiting to see if I get the ROTC scholarship.</p>

<p>It’s very unlikely you’ll get in, but if you don’t apply you’ll never know.</p>

<p>Alright, thanks. Hopefully when I take the SATs again, I can get +1200 this time. I might retake the ACTs again also, but I still need to decide.</p>

<p>Also, I have heard that applying into the Corps helps admission chances, is that true?</p>

<p>Kind of along what chuy said, applying to the Corps won’t hurt your chances, not guaranteeing it’ll help.</p>

<p>Its definitely worth a shot. Your GPA is very low buts that’s just one part of the package. </p>

<p>However, I’d say your chances at the ROTC scholarship are very low. All the services, especially Navy and Air Force, have been cutting back severely on scholarships.</p>

<p>I agree with Nick, for AF I don’t see you receiving a scholarship because your stats are way too low. I think you won’t get an NROTC scholarship either, you do have a shot at an AROTC scholarship.</p>

<p>The problem for you is every branch operates differently regarding their scholarships, but Navy requires you to match up your college and the det. Tech being 1 of 7 national schools with a Corp makes them very competitive in the scholarship category where this occurs.</p>

<p>Realize one thing, never apply for a ROTC scholarship unless you want to serve in that branch, because you WILL SERVE for several yrs (@ 27 yrs old when you can leave). The pay back time is not worth the scholarship if you don’t want to serve in that branch.</p>

<p>I think it’s worth a shot because none of us sit on the admissions board and you don’t want to live your life wondering “what if”. I am not a betting person, but if I had to bet and you don’t get that SAT over 1250+ (superscore) I would say unlikely, wait list at best.</p>

<p>Trust me, I have no doubts that I want to serve in the military. First choice Navy (Subs or SEAL), second choice Army (Ranger/SpecOF) so the serving thing, I can basically say I look forward to it.</p>

<p>I am retaking the SATs in October, but unfortunately I can’t add them to my NROTC. Since my highest CR is 520 and the minimum required is 530, I was never able to put my SAT scores in, and now it is too late since my application was in for the first board.</p>