Is it just me, or was SAT II Bio screwed up?

<p>Ok...after reading the posts around seems to me that im not alone in the fact that SAT II Bio sucked and we all got much lower than we expected. I personally got a 680, and the consensus from what i read here is 650-700 unhappy. What do we do? I see some are retaking, but thats really not an option for me....Im taking SAT in June and October. Plus im applying early decision Cornell so Math IC is what ill prob do for November. </p>

<p>What do we do? Are our scores that bad? Is it detrimental to our chances of acceptance?</p>

<p>I got a 700.</p>


<p>What will you do?</p>

<p>chanman, I got a 700 also; it was totally not what any prep said it would be. The test, I felt, had an intense genetic emphasis, rather than the conventional organismal biology. Nevertheless, I'm retaking the test in june, hopefully.</p>

<p>i have to retake it Next year!</p>

<p>i wont be here in june.</p>

<p>will I make it in time for ED? (nov. 1)</p>

<p>Well, look what you're saying. Yes it had genetic emphasis instead of conventional material...but what would retaking it do? It will probably be the same. The test doesnt change drastically over a 1 month period.</p>

<p>Well..for ED, you and i both gotta do everything before November....even with November, the scores have to be rushed.</p>

<p>I disagree. From what I can see, the March to May SATI's changed drastically. (I did not take the May, however people on this site as well as friends who took both say that the May was 10x easier.)</p>

<p>If you're not strong in Genetics, then retake.</p>

<p>I got a 700. But most of my friends got 700+. Haven't heard any 800's, though.</p>

<p>EXACTLY....why are we all doing bad?</p>

<p>I got a friggin 690. IvyLeagueorBUST, I can't believe you only got a 700--you sounded like you really knew your stuff. How'd you do on US Hist?</p>

<p>see....680, 670, 690, 700, WHY?? im so p i s s e d off! My whole class got 670-700 too! Its like we all got the same questions wrong :(</p>

<p>From what I can see, the March to May SATI's changed drastically.</p>

<p>I KNOW IT!!</p>

<p>the curve is MUCH harder in May.</p>

<p>because every body takes AP classes in May therefore they are more prepared.</p>

<p>i know i know, "the curve is pre-set" it??</p>

<p>The test was tricky. There were tricky questions (What has the most energy? and others; refer to thread [even though you were there...] <a href=""&gt;;/a> )</p>

<p>I know pentasa; I can gurantee a 5 on the AP, but I think I just overthought some questions (ie. The typical female question). I did the same thing on my US history SAT II; I scored a 730, and can almost guarantee a 5. Ugh, I just overthought questions I suppose. I'm retaking Biology in june, however, I don't know whether I should retake the American. I mean, I also have my ACT to focus on.</p>


<p>i got a 680. :D</p>


<p>im not retaking because i thought i did well.</p>

<p>guys, remember, lets see what percentile we place in!</p>

<p>it should be a fine score for Princeton.</p>

<p>i got a 700 on the us history exam.</p>

<p>Yeah I'm not gonna bother retaking US History...studying for it is a b!tch. I said to myself I would retake anything less than a 700 after I took them (my previous minimum was 730, but that changed after I knew I bombed the tests). So I am pretty mad that I fell 10 points short w. a 690.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>there are percentiles</p>

<p>you all know that a 680+ is generally a good score? because i've seen ppl will that as basically the bottom line of all Ivies. If you have a sub650, retake it I say.</p>

<p>ok...well thanks rfg88...u lowered my blood pressure there...i got a 680 on bio too....but im ecstatic about us history....</p>

<p>oh my god! for molecular bio...the percentiles are horrible for ppl 680-700!</p>