<p>My daughter will apply for Fall 2012. SAT 2080/ACT 30 all AP's , great extra curricular..Are there different criteria for ID? and If out of state a benefit or negative?</p>
<p>[College</a> of Architecture and Urban Studies | Virginia Tech](<a href=“http://www.admiss.vt.edu/majors/index.php/majors/college/caus]College”>http://www.admiss.vt.edu/majors/index.php/majors/college/caus)</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/virginia-tech/1017842-fall-2010-incoming-class-vt-admissions-stats.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/virginia-tech/1017842-fall-2010-incoming-class-vt-admissions-stats.html</a></p>
<p>I found this information on an old thread. It is from the year I started at VT.</p>
<p>CAUS SAT Scores and High School GPA of Fall 2010 First-time Freshmen
SAT Scores/GPA Mean 75th 50th 25th Pctl
SAT Reading 602 645 610 550
SAT Math 628 670 635 580
SAT Writing 596 640 600 550
HS GPA 4.00 4.21 4.00 3.78 </p>
<p>I know nothing about Out of State as I am a VA Resident. That information will be best provided by someone OOS or by the admissions office at VT:</p>
<p><a href=“mailto:admiss@vt.edu”>admiss@vt.edu</a></p>
<p>CAUS is harder to get in to than any other college at VT as far as I’m aware, so keep that in mind when you look at those numbers. OOS probably won’t hurt or help you; you’re better off than if you were from NoVa and maybe a bit worse off than if you were in rural VA.</p>
<p>Yes they are very selective for CAUS and ID. One of the reasons is that each CAUS student has their own work space from freshman year on so there are only so many desks available. Another is that it is a very rigorous and time intensive major. My son is in his first year ID and so far loves it, but studio is a 6 credit course that meets for 12 face time hours with an average of 20 or more plus hours of additional time put in to complete projects, plus 3 other classes too. I think I remember reading (Was it you Chuy?) that programs in CAUS were the only ones engineering majors feared-if that tell you anything.</p>
<p>The CAUS students do not take calculus but rather a geometry of design for 6 hours. My son says it is hard but interesting. Believe it or not there is quite a bit of calc in the course too, so that experience definitely helps. </p>
<p>Again with all that said-my son does enjoy it, if it is your “thing” you will not mind the long hours. So far, my son has had only one 4 AM night at studio, and has made it to every football game and has season tickets to basketball, it’s all about time-management.</p>
<p>A couple of links with some information for your daughter. Personally, I don’t think being OOS hurts you at all. There was a mom on here last year maybe (? ) whose daughter was in state and was denied. I can’t remember the breakdown, but I think they were told there were a high percentage of incoming arch students from OOS- more than what you would expect. I think because of its national reputation the CAUS gets a lot of attention from kids all over the country and they can most likely pick and choose those with the best of the best statistics. (Our oldest felt real lucky to get a spot in that school let me tell you :)) </p>
<p>[College</a> of Architecture and Urban Studies | Virginia Tech](<a href=“http://www.admiss.vt.edu/majors/index.php/majors/college/caus]College”>http://www.admiss.vt.edu/majors/index.php/majors/college/caus)</p>
<p>This was from 2008 but it may give you a bit of information:
[CAUS</a> Student Profile | CAUS](<a href=“http://www.caus.vt.edu/caus-student-profile-0]CAUS”>http://www.caus.vt.edu/caus-student-profile-0)</p>
<p>Best wishes to you! I have a daughter who is going to be applying next fall too, but for Arch most likely. It is going to be a wild ride once again I guess!</p>
In 2011, the incoming CAUS class was 53% in-state/47% OOS
For overall VT - 70% IS/30% OOS</p>
<p>For the mother-lode of 2011 admissions data for CAUS:
<a href=“http://www.ir.vt.edu/VT_Stats/IR%20Customers%202/Students/Admissions/Apps_Offers_Admits_2002-2011/CAUS_Admissions_Tables.xlsx[/url]”>http://www.ir.vt.edu/VT_Stats/IR%20Customers%202/Students/Admissions/Apps_Offers_Admits_2002-2011/CAUS_Admissions_Tables.xlsx</a></p>
<p>Thanks for the link quiettype!</p>
<p>I am a freshman ID student this year. I had lower SAT scores, and got a 24 on the ACT. I am out of state. You son/daughter does have a pretty good chance, I would think, depending on essays and such.</p>