<p>... it only meets four or five times a quarter and you miss the first meeting? Because there are so few meetings, I would think that missing one would greatly hurt your ability to earn a passing grade.</p>
<p>if you’re interested in the fiat lux, i think it’s worth it. but i’ve heard positive/negative aspects about them though</p>
<p>What are the negative aspects of a fiat lux?</p>
<p>Waste of time, if you’re not really that interested in the material. Only meets once a week, so maybe you get unsatisfied. Some fiat luxes might be too much work for one unit. If you’re not in need of units or honors cred, might be a waste of time. Might mess up your schedule, hard to enroll in the really good ones, if you’re not a freshman or if you have bad luck with enrollment appointments.</p>
<p>yeah i’d say the worst thing about a fiat lux is that they might take up a lot of time for a one unit class. if you’re not interested then theres no point in taking it.</p>
<p>On the subject of Fiat Luxes, I was wondering if the P/NP grade is looked at by law schools. I know they don’t like P/NP classes, and I’ve already taken two Fiat Luxes, a two unit Honors Collegium (Aleph editor) and I might take an SRP, which is also P/NP. I’m fairly certain that law schools will realize that the class is one or two units, but then again, you send your scores to a Law School Admission Center first, so I’m just wondering if anyone knows more than me here.</p>