Is it worth the money?

<p>The title of this thread is mis-leading. Let me explain...</p>

<p>So, I've known I wanted to be a Journalist since I was in seventh grade, and have written on school newspapers and attended summer journalism workshops at top universities before. I'm very passionate about Journalism.
At the moment, I am a freshman at a local college in Georgia, but I want to transfer to either the University of Kansas or the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to obtain my degree in Journalism. I know that both of these schools are nationally known for their Journalism programs, which is why I want to go there. The problem is that both colleges are pretty expensive (around $28,000 a year) and my mom doesn't want to pay for it. I'm raised by a single mother with no help from a father or other family members. The college I'm going to right now is not expensive, and my mom is fine paying for it.</p>

<p>In my opinion, in order to make it in this world, you need to be the best, especially in this economy. If I were to graduate from my community college here in Georgia with a degree in Communications, I wouldn't get hired next to someone who graduated from the University of Nebraska with a degree in Journalism. I know the schools are expensive, but it's almost like if I don't go to one of them, there is no point in going to college at all, because unless I study at a school that specializes in Journalism, there is no point in even trying to make it in the world. </p>

<p>Can someone help me out here? This is a really difficult situation.</p>

<p>If you get good grades at the community college to UGA! they have a top j-school as well! And you’d get instate tuition and it would be worth the money</p>