Is Mays already capped?

I saw somewhere that Mays caps enrollment at a 1000 students. Has that already happened yet?

On another forum, a tamu admissions person said they plan for it to be filled sometime in Nov/early Dec. I know for the class 2018 (current 4th years), that Mays was full by mid-late Nov, when my friend’s auto admit son finally got his app submitted and was denied Mays because it was full already.

So if I submit it right now and I’m an “Academic Admit”, I should be fine?

You should be fine (your complete file needs to be in, not just the application) but you won’t know until you submit and the longer you wait…

Mays accepts more than the 1000 students to net 1000 Aggies after people make their final selections of schools to attend. They have a formula they follow for the number to accept to get that many enrolled students, so they don’t fill in as people refuse their offers. Some review students do get in every year - it isn’t purely auto admits - but it is a high percentage due to popularity. Years ago it was revealed that a few slots are reserved for review admits or outstanding auto admits when the rolling admits are considered full. If you are applying to Mays - the sooner the better.


Which forum was this?

TexAgs, speaking about Mays.

Thelma2 would you please tell me where exactly on the Texags forums you saw that info? I’ve looked all over the education forum and can’t find it. I’m slightly nervous because my son just got his SAT scores back today. They are making him an academic admit but he wants to get into Mays. We should have his application complete by 10/5 but your information makes me nervous about Mays filling up before his application gets looked at.


Is there a reason that he needs 5 more days to complete his application?

He should be able to power through his essay if he spends the entire weekend on it. Transcript can be manually uploaded (because sometimes it takes the school a few weeks to electronically do so).

Don’t forget that SAT/ACT can also take a week or more to get sent (if you didn’t choose auto submit).

Thelma2 - we should be able to get it done by tomorrow night. Then I guess we have to wait to get his UIN back. And we have his SAT scores and dual credit transcripts to get in. I’ll order those today but they will take a few days to arrive. Does anyone know if A&M accepts rushed SAT scores?

Sorry, RMNiMiTz, I should have mentioned you in the reply. Thank you so much for your help. It’s the weekend and the admissions office is closed so I especially appreciate your help.

@TexasMustang July 25,2017. The threads are not numbered on that forum but I believe I counted it is number #13. It is not under the Admissions thread at the top but further down titled Any Reason to delay applying to A&M

Thelma2 thank you. I found the posting on TexAgs. It actually says they expect Mays to fill up late November/early December. Although the other account you mention of someone being denied mid November is concerning, especially with applications opening up one month earlier this year. Do you or anyone else know if A&M accepts rushed SAT scores? My son was actually two weeks late taking the SAT due to Harvey. However, I should have realized that the rest of his application should have been completed and ready to go much earlier.

The applicant I referenced was for fall 2014. He was the QB of our HS football team and very involved in other EC’s and being an auto admit, they never suspected that the major would be full when he submitted the app after the season was over, which was mid-late Nov, after they lost their first playoff game.
A&M admits more than will accept their offer. Those numbers are built in to the total number of admissions they hand out. I do not know how much the early app date will affect the majors filling up quicker. However, the admissions officer seemed to think it would still be on the same timeline as usual. That is their best guestimate, based on prior years dates, I would imagine.

Send things in as you get it. Don’t wait to have it all in hand at one time. They will sync it up.

Thank you so much for your help Thelma2. Do I have to complete everything on the ApplyTexas application before we submit it to wait to get a UIN number back? Do you know if A&M takes rush SAT scores? I ordered the SAT score sent the regular way yesterday. If I order his community college transcript sent electronically will it be processed as quickly as if I physically turn it in at a prospective student center? I assume they want his dual credit transcripts before they will render a decision. He only has 8 hours.


You have to submit the apply texas app to get the UIN. The essay is an exception and can be submitted via AIS once it is done.

Not sure if A&M accepts rush scores but the regular ones get there pretty fast. I’ve tried googling that and all I seem to turn up are really old articles about how the rush scores don’t get there as fast as people like. I’d call Monday before I paid for that service.

On the admissions website, the dual credit transcript is a document required to be submitted after you are admitted so that one can wait but if you really want to send it, I think electronically may be faster depending upon the community college.

One thing that AIS has had in the last month or so is a big banner that said they would be fair to students affected by Harvey. Not sure what that means, but hope that helps.

I’d order everything you can today so that it is on the way and then get the app done today and tomorrow- the essay is the hardest part and then the extracurriculars in my opinion.

Good luck and try not to stress too much.

What @gettingschooled is right on the money @TexasMustang

Thank you to everyone for all of your help. It looks like we can submit everything on our end by tomorrow night except the SAT score and dual credit transcripts. Good to know the dual credit transcripts aren’t needed for an admissions decision. I couldn’t have ordered the SAT score before Friday anyway unless we had gone with the autosend option, which I never do in case of really bad results. Thankfully my son got good results and we are dealing with a hurry up and get the good score in situation.

Thanks to all who helped by answering my questions. My son wrote the essays and we submitted the ApplyTexas application with A&M listed. I’ll be calling the admissions office tomorrow with a few questions but we got the ball rolling.

Did yu find out if A&M accepts rush scores? Did you get the UIN yet?