How can I make my IB schedule look competitive?

Hey! I’m a sophomore now and I’m deciding on my classes for next year. My school offers both AP and IB, and I’m really good and writing and humanities so I think (and many have suggested) that IB is the best system for me. If I do it, I plan on getting the full diploma. Right now I’m taking Chemistry, Honors English, Honkrs Alg 2/Trig, AP Human Geography, Psychology, Art, and Spanish 1 and I have high A’s in them. Next year, I was planning on doing IB HL Bio, IB HL English, IB HL History of Americas, IB Art, IB ToK, Honors Precalculus, and Spanish II. In my senior year I’m planning on taking my 3 HL’s, IB SL Math, IB SL Spanish, IB ToK, and Physics (physics is required to graduate for me). How does my schedule look? Is it competitive? I want to be as competitive as possible; what I’m most worried about is the math. People at my school are really good at math, so will IB Math SL look bad compared to all the post-calculus classes others are taking? And like how can I separate myself from others through my schedule come application time? Thanks!

Our school has a Math Studies SL and IB Calculus SL, which of these will you take?
Calc SL should be ok, but HL would be more competitive.

I would be taking a class called IB mathematics in twelfth grade, which is like statistics and calculus. We don’t have IB Calculus at my school

IB Math SL is more rigorous than IB Math Studies and covers a chunk of calculus. , but it sounds like you don’t have any choice right? Because you are currently in Algebra 2/Trig and need to take PreCalc next year. What are you thinking about majoring in in college?

There are three IB math classes - the classes are standardized worldwide - IB Math Studies, which includes statistics, data representation, some precalculus; IB Math SL, which is Calculus with some statistics (should be sufficient to take AP Calc AB if you want credit for it - you can get credit for any AP but you won’t get credit for IB SL); and Math HL, which is super-advanced calculus.
IB automatically gets “most rigorous” designation and your schedule looks good. :slight_smile:

Okay thanks for the info!

I don’t really have a choice but my other option would be to take AP instead of IB system and take AP Cal AB or AP Cal AB/BC (there’s a combined class at my school) but I wanted to be clear on IB before I made that desicion. My major will likely be something business related, but definitely not heavy in math; I just wanted to show colleges that I’m well-rounded and competitive