<p>So a while back, someone posted some info on the UC fees being waived for students wwith total family income of less than 60K.</p>
<p>Im currently 24(turning 25 in june) and Do not get any money from parents. I have been independent since 18 and have been paying rent since then.</p>
<p>Did this plan get accepted? Is it still pending? It would sure be nice to save about another 7-9 Grand and be able to use that money for Room/ Rent etc. I am tired of working full time now for 7 years. I just really want to study and get good grades.</p>
<p>heyy… they do waive tuition, so i’ve heard.</p>
<p>as long as u fill out ur fafsa, they’ll evaluate it and then basically, give u everything if you can’t pay it… but i’ve noticed that if you don’t get upto the full amount to pay, u can appeal aid with your situation explained and htey help u out A LOT. my friend went from 10k from aid, to 25k from aid after appealing cause he couldnt pay a nickle and hetold them… so i think u should be fine.</p>
<p>did u fill out ur fafsa and calgrant and stufF?</p>
<p>@ peppamintt</p>
<p>Yeah, i filled out my fafsa and cal grant. I have had a 4.0 in the past 2 years but i took 5 years off of school and when i was 18 my gpa was a 2.2 SO my cumulative is a bit lacking at 3.52. </p>
<p>I did get an UCI grant of 10K plus pell grant of 5K but the rest were loans. I was really hoping that the cal grant of about 7-8K would be on top of that but UCI tells me that if i get the cal grant they will reduce my UCI grant proportinally.</p>
<p>I think it sucks cuz i know other kids need it more than I do, but I work hard to get to where I am at today, and since i do make about 20-30K/year to pay for rent and stuff, i am going to suffer than other lazy kids that dont work at all or work part time or whatever. I understand that there are people more unfortaunte than me, and by all means I am glad someone is helping them out to get thru college, but i would like some help as well :)</p>
<p>im just really getting burnt out from working full time. I really want to get my MBA, so I need to spend more time studying just to make sure my GPA remains solid to get into a good program. My buddies tell me forget about going to UCLA fulltime and working fulltime.</p>
<p>thanks for the responses guys!</p>
<p>vyruz… everyone deserves it just as much as u do… its not one that deserves it more than another… all schools will consider that after the gap in your edution, u did really well… they do consider an upward trend so u will be fine, even though ur cum is not as good as your current. </p>
<p>as for grants, u should really talk with the schools u applied/accepted into as theres no harm in trying. u know?</p>
<p>Well, I just talked to UCI and have some discouraging news. They Will NOT give me more aid money :(</p>
<p>If i get the cal grant they will reduce my uci grant. If i get the blue and gold fees waived, they will still reduce my uci grant. If i apply for my merit based scholarship since i took 5 years off of school(they have a towns and gown scholarship for students with w 5 year layoff of school) They will take away my eligibility for school.</p>
<p>UC fees and books will be about 12,000
Car, gas, and insurance is about 5,000
Rent, utilities and internet etc is about 12,000
Food is about 200/month for about 2400 per year
Leisure of only 100 a month is 1200 per year</p>
<p>i dont know what else im missing but that covers the big ones. 200 for food is very skimpy, but hey i need to loose weight anyway.</p>
<p>This total comes out to be about 33,000. I just wish they would just “add on” my cal grant or town and gown scholarship or my blue and gold. </p>
<p>I asked for more, but they said they cannot and after keeping themon the phone fro 30 minutes they said MAYBE I can appeal to get an extra 2-3 grand more.</p>
<p>this isnt cool
It looks like i still have to work part time to supplement an extra 10K per year. Sigh… :,(</p>
<p>vyrus reaper… we all have our problems… it’s how you rise to the occasion. be positive :D</p>
<p>Yeah, Im just worn out i guess from work and school. Its sooooo hard to concentrate to get another 4.0 when u dont really need it
<p>Hi, my name is Cyrus and I have transferitis. I have had transferitis for 3 months now and want to come clean. Thanks.</p>
<p>Cyrus, I’m sorry that you were not able to get any more by talking to UCI. Did you apply to other UCs? You should definitely file an appeal with any UC where you are not satisfied with their aid. Explain to them that the 20-30K you were making was because you were able to work full time and that you no longer expect to be able to do so once you start at the UC so your income will drop significantly, etc. </p>
<p>I think different UCs may have different policies when it comes to financial aid. I called Berkeley a few months ago, for example, and they said that if I get outside scholarships that these would be applied to first reduce my loan and work-study grant and only after that has been done would they be applied to reduce any of their own grants. That sounds different than what UCI is doing (although I don’t think Cal Grant is considered to be an “outside scholarship”).</p>
<p>And, yes, they did pass the Blue and Gold Tuition Plan and you should not be paying any tuition fees.</p>
<p>I have applied to all major UCs.</p>
<p>I have been accepted to UCSD/UCI/UCSB/UCD</p>
<p>Im still pending CAL and UCLA.</p>
<p>I hear that UCD, UCLA, and CAL have the best financial aid packages cuz they can offer more aid money than everyone else. This is from calling UC directly.</p>