Is physics needed to apply to Sloan?

<p>Hi, I have a question regarding physics.</p>

<p>I am a Canadian student and in Canada, physics is split up into 2 classes
(one for grade 11 and one for grade 12). Due to scheduling conflicts, I cannot take physics this year but I have already taken it last year.</p>

<p>Will this negatively affect my application?</p>

<p>Thanks for your help.</p>

<p>this seems like a multi-part question which requires a multi-part answer.....</p>

<p>first: when you apply to MIT, you apply to the school as a whole, so you would be applying to MIT, not Sloan itself. Hence, you would be viewed like all other applicants</p>

<p>second: if you look down on the boards a bit, there is an almost exact same question about physics. I think we basically agreed that it's not required, but highly recomended to take physics....and hopefully wouldn't negatively affect an application</p>

<p>And note that Canadian students are evaluated as part of the international pool, which is restricted in size. It is more difficult to be admitted as an international applicant than as a domestic applicant.</p>

<p>That sucks for Canada. :-(</p>

<p>Looks like MIT hates Canada too.</p>

<p>"Blame Canada! Blame Canada!" haha....</p>