I am hoping this major to be less competitive compare with engineering or business major. Anyone knows about this?
Why does it matter? You choose your major based on what interests you and what you can do well in. Your choice of major will not decide whether or not you get accepted to UW. It is bizarre to choose a major based on its competitiveness. Engineering and business are very different fields. Are you trying to say you can’t do the work in either of theses fields? Any UW student would be discussing things with his/her advisor.
I presume you are not yet a UW student. Do not try to game the system for admissions. It doesn’t really matter which major you choose for admissions as you can change your major later. Be honest with yourself.
Yes, Retailing and Consumer Science is a much less competitive major compared to engineering and business.
I agree with you @wis75 I just want to calculate my chance based on the statistic
What chance? Not for being accepted to UW. You are competing for a spot with everyone in every proposed major. Years ago UW did not require a major on the application form but I believe the current thinking is for students to have a focus when they start college even if they change their minds after starting UW. What statistic? Do not try to game the system. You may or not be competitive for getting a direct admit to either engineering or business as a freshman but choosing either of them will not decrease your chances of getting admitted to the university as a whole.
If you think you want to be an engineer, choose that. If business, choose that. If you are thinking of a field that appears to have easier classes and therefore one you can do well in PLUS ENJOY, choose that. You will get SOAR advising in the school/college that you enter. Most will be in L&S to start with.
Figure out your goals. You mention three entirely different fields. Look at the course requirements and see which one gives you the education you want. There are no chances or statistics involved.
SoHE doesn’t have any limited enrollment programs, so if you meet the criteria to be admitted to the university and choose SoHE with the Retailing & Consumer Behavior major you will be admitted to that major. Unlike the School of Business, which takes a limited number of direct admit freshman, and you must be above the minimum requirements necessary to be admitted to the university. In years past it was easy to transfer from another school or college to SoHE, but now, if you are past your first two semesters at the university you must apply to be admitted to SoHE and it has become fairly competitive to be admitted as a second + year student.
Thanks @oboemom65 very helpful information!