Is the ACT required in Alabama?

I think I might get a higher score by taking the SAT after taking the PSAT and a practice ACT. I was looking online, however, and came across an article that said that several states have a contract with the ACT and all students have to take the test. Can I still take the SAT as well? Can I send my SAT to colleges instead of ACT scores?

I think those references are not to “the” ACT but to other products the ACT company offers; some schools have used them for assessments of high school students in their public schools. Colleges decide which test(s) they will accept for admission, not the states, and plenty of students in Alabama take the SAT.

I’m from Alabama, so I think I know what you’re referring to. In my junior year, everyone was required to take the ACT as a part of State and District Testing. I think it was free. Essentially, AL makes all their high school students take the ACT for data purposes.

But you can definitely still take the SAT. I took both the SAT and ACT, found that I liked my ACT score more, and stuck with it. I’m pretty sure there isn’t a college in AL that won’t prohibit you from submitting your SAT scores. No college here will force you to submit an ACT score, so you should be good! :slight_smile:

In those states, or at least mine but I’m 99% sure all, it is a real ACT. Many kids in S’s class who are just applying to the local directional U or other non-competitive admission schools used this as their one and only ACT score.