Is the NHRP becoming irrelevant?

<p>I have been wanting to post this question for a while now but couldn't find a time.</p>

<p>I've seeing many schools eliminating full rides associated with the NHRP or taking the scholarships to minimum levels.</p>

<p>I know that the economy is bad but those same schools are keeping their NA and national merit scholarships intact. Is like Hispanics are taking it to chin again.</p>

<p>I wonder if in the eyes of the schools the standards are too low compared to the others. What they don't know is that for the most part Hispanics have less access to better public education and to move forward is a true challenge. At 11th grade when you take the PSAT most of the kids have not even had a chance to think about college and neither their families.</p>

<p>I would like for the Hispanic leaders in this nation to further support this program.</p>

<p>I have seen the recent changes in NHRP scholarships, but I’m not aware of NA merit, so I can’t comment on how they’re fairing ITE. I also don’t know how NA and NHRP cutoffs compare. I though the AZ schools lowered their NMS scholarships recently? </p>

<p>I agree that lack of information in HS and even pre-HS when kids need to keep up academically in order to be college ready is the biggest problem.</p>

<p>I noticed that University of Alabama dropped its NHRP scholarship last year, but have not made any adjustments to its generous merit semi-finalist and finalist scholarships. Auburn has drastically reduced its NHRP money. These two schools have very low numbers of Hispanic students in their population. I would assume that is why they had such a generous package at one time.</p>

<p>Alabama recently passed legislation even more restricting than that of Arizona for undocumented workers. One can only wonder if this cutting in funding for NHRP is connected to the political environment of the state.</p>

<p>Cutoff score for NA is about 5 to 7 points higher than NH. Still significantly much lower than NM. I think that with Hispanics becoming the largest minority in the US we should have a program a solid as the NA too.</p>

<p>Right now hispanics definitively have a steeper hill to climb to realize “the Dream”.</p>



<p>I agree, I always found it peculiar that NA has a 2.5k scholarship and Corporate sponsored scholarships attached to it directly through the NMSC, but NHRP only has institutional scholarships via the colleges.</p>

<p>We may be seeing a convergence of a lot of different factors. Momtoace is on to something that there may be less of a political will to support programs for Hispanics. In addition, universities are looking to cut expenditures all over the place these days. I also think that admissions is so competitive that schools have become increasingly focused on “yield,” the percentage of students who go after being admitted. And I wonder if the ones that do want to recruit Hispanic students will focus on particular applicants rather than offering scholarships across the board to NHRP scholars. I’d be curious to see what happens with some of the universities that were still offering full-tuition scholarships last year: Arizona, Arizona State, and New Mexico.</p>