My school kinda bungled NHRP...

<p>So here's the story:
I took the PSAT last year, and made the qualification for NMSF. Later, I discovered the National Hispanic Recognition. Since my mother is Mexican, I qualified. However, my father is white, so on the PSAT and in the school profile of me I am listed white. I thought it was no problem at the time; just filling out a few forms. I filled out the forms, and my school faxed the ethnicity change request form to the college board. So far, so good. </p>

<p>Earlier this week I was officially notified that I am a National Merit Semifinalist. However, I heard nothing about NHRP. Are they still sending out forms for this, can I still do something to qualify, or am I too late?</p>

<p>I'm the person in my school's history to qualify for NHRP, so they don't have a lot of experience with this. In fact, they had never even heard of it before me. Any advice?</p>

<p>If you want to check with the College Board, you could contact them at </p>

<p><a href=""></a></p>

<p>One of the CC moderators gave me this e-mail because I had a question about NHRP, and they answered within a day. The CB will be able to tell you if you were designated for the NHRP, although it’s the school that notifies you.</p>

<p>It’s my understanding that NHRP functions separately from NM, so they likely did not get the change in ethnicity information that you turned into the CB. Have your GC give them a call (877-358-6777) or email, I don’t think it’s too late.</p>

<p>Most HS GCs don’t know about NHRP. We have had a few NHRP at our HS, including my older D four years ago, but I still have to remind the GC about the procedure.</p>

<p>Thank you everybody! I got the school my forms and it got through. I found out I made it today?</p>
