<p>I was just wondering if the SAT in May is hard, because this is my first time taking the SAT. And by the way, can anyone tell me what's the best way to prepare for the SAT. I really want a high score.</p>
<p>There’s no pre-set difficulty for different months. If the test is harder, the curve will probably be more lenient (though I heard this didn’t happen for the March test). If the test is easier, the curve will probably be harsher.</p>
<p>Ok may I ask what was your SAT Score? cause I need some advice, Mostly in the Critical Reading Section.</p>
<p>^This will help you with Critical Reading
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/750399-how-attack-sat-critical-reading-section-effectively.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/750399-how-attack-sat-critical-reading-section-effectively.html</a>
It brought my scores on practice tests up from a 580 to a 690 from the practice test taken before reading this to the one taken afterwards. I’m only a freshman, so if you’re of a higher grade level, it may not help you as much, but it will definitely help. Aim for that 800.</p>
<p>You should ask “MysteryTutor”, lol since you seem to put so much stock in him.</p>
<p>acehero8, you’re so funny hahahahahah… NOT, I do have his videos, but he only talks about two ways that one can tackle the critical section on the SAT. I need more advice besides those two.</p>
<p>Umm no… I checked out your blog and you had WAY more videos than just the Critical Reading section.</p>
<p>And you could always read the stickies that we have so people don’t constantly repeat the same question in threads. For example, one of the largest stickies here: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/68210-xiggis-sat-prep-advice.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/68210-xiggis-sat-prep-advice.html</a>.</p>
<p>Standardized tests should be the same difficulty each test.</p>
<p>^They aren’t. The difficulty varies a little from one test to another. It is the table that converts raw scores to scaled scores (aka “the curve”) that makes the test standardized (along with same math content on each test, etc).</p>
<p>Do you know how the curve is determined? and can anyone tell me how I can improve my 720 in math to something closer to an 800, or even 800 itself? Math is my subject, but I don’t know why I can’t get a perfect score. Please can anybody help me?</p>
<p>Jay --Do a couple of sample math section tests…available on line or in books. Figure out which problem types are giving you trouble. Then just work those until you can recognize the keys to them in your sleep. Don’t waste study time on stuff you know well. By examining your weaknesses, you can turn them into strengths.</p>
<p>If you’re already naturally competent at math (that is, if you already know HOW to do the content), then you’re probably just making careless mistakes under test pressure. Try doing practice tests under a very strict time limit (15-18 minutes for the 25 minute sections), circle questions you aren’t 100% sure of as you go, and then take those 7-10 minutes to first check your questionable answers (usually by working backwards). Afterward, go through the rest of your answers quickly.</p>
<p>Novelisto, can you give me the link to the online problems? and are you saying that I should take a full math section then see where I should work the most? I mean I can take a section where I don’t miss any, then I take another section and I miss like 2-3.</p>
<p>There’s a lot of different sites… I like this one: [SAT</a> Math Problem Solving : Practice tests and explanations](<a href=“http://www.majortests.com/sat/problem-solving.php]SAT”>SAT Math Problem Solving : Practice tests and explanations | Major Tests)</p>
<p>Yes, take a couple of math sections and see what you get wrong. If, as Sixteh says, you are making errors under test pressure, practice will help with that too. But look for things you get wrong consistently and work on improving those areas.</p>
<p>Hopefully it won’t be…</p>
<p>First timer here too ={</p>