Is there any merit aid at CC?

<p>Or is this a joke for me to ask? Seriously, though. It sounds like cc is populated by well-off students, by design. Do they offer any merit aid? Thanks!</p>

<p>Check their website.</p>

<p>[Colorado</a> College | Prospective Student Information](<a href=“]Colorado”></p>

<p>cc is not entirely populated by well off students. because they are so generous with need based aid there is a wonderful mix of students. there are also recipients of merit aid as the previous poster directed you to.</p>

<p>About 7-8% of recent CC first year students (~40 students) have received merit aid, averaging about $10K.</p>

<p>redpoint- Yes, there is merit aid at CC, and no, it’s not a joke for you to ask—I was thinking the same thing last year! Anyhow, here’s how things turned out for me: I was awarded a leadership scholarship valued at $10K per year, and I also received a fantastic grant, which, in retrospect, is not really merit aid but is important nonetheless.</p>

<p>Since I have not yet had an opportunity to meet my future classmates, I am afraid that I am not qualified to give any insight concerning the economic diversity of the student body, though I will confess that I myself come from a very middle class family. Needless to say, I am extremely grateful for CC’s generosity!</p>

<p>At any rate, I hope this helped you and that, should you apply, CC comes through for you with a stellar financial aid package. Please let me know if you have any other questions about CC, and I’ll do my best to answer them. :)</p>

<p>Whoever they deem the “top 10%” of their incoming freshmen class gets merit aid.</p>