Merit Aid

<p>If anyone got merit aid, could you share your stats? I feel that I had pretty good numbers, but I did not get any merit aid. I also did not get any merit scholarships from CU boulder. I think it might have something to do with my cell phone violations at my high school. Do you think discipline records are considered in the distribution of merit aid? Maybe my scores just were not good enough in the CC application pool, but I know people got scholarships with much lower scores than mine at CU.</p>

<p>I couldn’t figure out whether the aid my son got from CC was merit or need-based. They just listed an amount and noted “scholarships/grants” so I know it doesn’t have to be repaid, but I couldn’t tell why he was getting it. He did apply for need-based aid, and also said he wanted to be considered for merit. I didn’t think his gpa + scores would necessarily get him merit aid considering the stats of many CC applicants, unless they give merit adi for stuff like art. He did submit the Arts Supplement to the Common App, and is a pretty amazing artist, so I am still unclear as to how they decided to give him the $ they did … though we are very, very happy to have received it.</p>

<p>Frittykittycat, didn’t you post that you were accepted to CC with almost a full ride ?</p>

<p>My daughter got the Merit Aide. It was explained in a separate letter in her acceptance package (EA) and also came with a certificate. It was The Trustees Scholarship (worth 7K a year, I think) It did not require a separate application. </p>

<p>Briefly, her stats - SAT 2380, SAT II Math:800, USH:750; She has 9 AP scores at the end of 11th (3,4, and the rest are 5s) and taking 4 APs this year; three gold medals on the National Latin Exam; three times qualified for AIME (math exam/contest)</p>

<p>She recently decided to eliminate CC as one of her potential schools and will be notifying them this week, hopefully to free up the scholarship funds for the RD applicant pool, if they work that way.</p>

<p>Yeah, I did post that. I got close to a full ride all on grants. This is awesome. I was just kinda curious if I would get any merit aid as well. Almost a full ride is amazing, but I would rather graduate debt free. There are always local scholarships though.</p>

<p>I got ~5k in merit I think (per year).
3.98 GPA, 35 ACT, 2280 SAT (R:800, M:770, W:710) 3 APs with 5s, taking 5 APs this year, Siemens Semifinalist, etc.</p>

<p>I got a 10K a year Leadership Scholarship but all my financial aid (7K a year) in loans. My parents made significantly less this year than last, so hopefully with the 2010 tax return in hand CC will give me a little more $$.</p>

<p>I’ve got a 93.4 unweighted GPA with 10 APs in total (including this year). My test scores aren’t that impressive: 2070 (720 reading,710 math, 640 writing) and 32 ACT composite, but my ACT super scored is a 34 and I did the “flexible testing policy.” I got a 770 in my World History SAT II and a 750 in chem.</p>

<p>My three tests for the “flexible testing policy” were:
ACT 35 Math
ACT 35 English
SAT II World History 770</p>

<p>I think I probably got the scholarship because of my ECs. If I choose CC, I’ll be a varsity level cross country/track runner for their team. Also editor of the literary magazine and submitted some of my creative writing. Along with that, I’m the VP of our Model UN club, was the chair of multiple MUN committees, and was selected from applicants around upstate NY to attend a model UN conference in the Netherlands last year.</p>

<p>Though CC isn’t at the top of my list, the block plan sounds awesome and I really like the school environment. Best of luck to everyone reading this thread and maybe I’ll see you next year!</p>

<p>Wow! I applied ED 2 and after reading everyone else stats and financial aide info, I am terrified I will be rejected because I need a large amount of f/a :frowning: Oh well, notifications are coming hopefully Mon. 7th so it won’t be much longer! Congrats to everyone else:)</p>