is there really a lot of time to party & socializing?

<p>in highschool?</p>


<p>Why would that be so surprising? There's more work, but there isn't a drastic difference in work load until Junior year. Well, maybe there was, but you adapt really quickly, and learn how to cram so that you CAN relax =)</p>


<p>Yup. As long as you can balance things. Don't get too caught up in the whole party scene, but don't keep your nose buried in books all day.</p>

<p>Ummm, yeah... Why wouldn't there be? Been reading too many horror stories, I expect.</p>

<p>that's because you spend way too much time on CC. It's not normal here. And if you dont want to read a horror story DON'T read that article in the nytimes education section.</p>

<p>It depends on your school, your learning style, the classes you're taking, what year you are in (freshman and junior years are pretty different in terms of free time!) and a bunch of other factors.</p>

<p>But yeah, just chill about it and have fun. High school is supposed to be fun.</p>

<p>EDIT: just a question, why are you even on a college discussion board if you're not even in high school yet???? You are thinking about college waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too soon, IMO. Relax!</p>

<p>Yes. Fridays and Saturdays. Sunday is enough to get all your weekend homework done, that is unless you have an essay, report, project, etc. due on Monday. And even then you can work on that Saturday afternoon and hang out at night.</p>

<p>That's what I did and it worked for me. I really scratch my head at people that say they have such an exorbitant amount of homework that they stay in every Saturday night. What are you, trying to memorize a whole textbook?</p>

<p>Time management is key in High School.</p>

<p>High school for me = homework on Mon-Thurs, almost never go out (maybe once a week at most). Friday and Saturday, no homework gets done, I usually spend the entire day socializing or doing things other then hw. Sunday I do all my homework, and usually don't go out. If I have alot of homework, I'll do some on Saturday afternoon/morning</p>

<p>Basically it's the other way around: is there a lot of time for homework? A lot of kids I know have to make time for school work, but there are always the exceptions.</p>

<p>mirity, i'm on here for a bunch of reasons. i'm pretty mature and wanted to know some things before i went so i've been on here asking...especially because i have been placed in 5 sophmore only classes...</p>

<p>Initially, i was on here because i was in the prep school admission forum because i applied to boarding school.</p>

<p>i'm not thinking of college yet, lol.</p>

<p>It depends on you and your interests. Most, as another person said, barely have time to work-that's their priority. CC people are NOT the norm-I too thought that I would never have a life, etc. No worries! I have tons of free time and I usually take on extra commitments if I have too much commitment...and if you think I'm a lazy bum telling you this (i know I would think that after reading most people on the board)-I have a 98.6 average unweighted soph year at a school with a good rep, in 6 honors classes, and one theology class, and I do golf club/team on a competitive team, I'm a news editor for the newspaper, going to be junior editor next year for yearbook, on JV math team, volunteering club, Latin club, and another volunteering club...and I'll probably be in 3-4 honor societies next year. I practice piano an hour and a half every day, and volunteer four hours on Saturday morning.
I also read a ton (about 12 books a month, each about 600 pages), and watch a lot of bad reality television (The Bachelor, anyone?! haa) every day. </p>

<p>So, you'd say I have no life, etc? No! I'm just good at time management/planning. I'm going to a show in three weeks, a Broadway show in four, and going to a party. But I know I have four big projects due in a I'm going to finish my projects before then. </p>

<p>Don't worry! You'll survive. The trick is not getting stressed. Thinking about how much work you have to do will not help anything. (Though I should take my advice and actually start studying for the SAT II's instead of watching Dancing with the stars...hmm)</p>

<p>i did and im doing fine.</p>

<p>like someone said, its all time management.</p>

<p>you might have to sacrafice more time for school but there has to be some days you can freely socialize.</p>

<p>I hate parties (runs and hides). They are depressing and I always have to be the cleaner-upper.</p>

<p>contrary to what many people here would lead you to believe, there's more than plenty of time to go out and party, while still doing well in school. freshman year isn't all that different from 8th grade, but then again i didn't feel that any year was really "harder" than the year before. each year is part of the continuum of education. if you take someone from 7th grade and give them a jr's class load with 6 ap classes, yes, they'll think it's crazy; the same would happen to a 1st grader placed into 6th grade.</p>

<p>then again as the average acceptance rate to ivy schools on the board is immensely higher than the national average, take most of what is said here with a grain of salt the size of a boulder</p>

<p>karen61990, do you mean the 'amazing girls' article that was in the sunday times?</p>

<p>yes. it's essential if you want to have a meaningful life and not be a looser in the corner.</p>

<p>^ *loser</p>

<p>10 characters</p>

<p>^ what will happen if you get too caught up with school.</p>

<p>just kidding. </p>

<p>but come on, do you really have to be an online spellchecker? : )</p>