Is this extracurricular good or not???? halp plz

Hello! As I’m doing my college apps I’m realizing that I just left off a huge factor in my extracurricular list… but then I thought about it and I was like “Will colleges think that I did this just for show?”

Basically I designed a STEM curriculum/program that is built for my entire school system (in which only 20% of its students pursue college after graduating) and I hold seminars for those who want to learn more about the different types of fields. The program is starting to become a huge part of my life.

I’m worried that this isn’t a good extracurricular bc colleges might want to see that I’m branching out to other schools rather than the ones in my county.


…This is an excellent extra curricular that colleges would love to hear about.

Definitely a great EC!!
Also make sure you are transitioning it to someone else as you graduate.

thank u!!! @MissSuzyQ @bopper