<p>I've wanted to go to Virginia Tech since I was 12 and I'm applying early decision later in November to Tech but I was wondering does anyone know the average gpa/sat score of students that were accepted there ? My current gpa right now is 3.3 as of first semester. If I can push myself harder (which I will) and get a 4.0 for the second semester, my junior year gpa will average out to a 3.55 (or it could be rounded to a 3.6).
I'm taking the SAT on March 13th, and I've been studying a lot so hopefully my score will come out well. </p>
<p>I'm involved/have been involved with DECA, school newspaper, yearbook production, spanish club, and FCCLA.
I have a total of 9 1/2 volunteer hours.
I live in VA and I'm a first generation college student.</p>
<p>Does it look realistic that I'll get in to Tech ??</p>