Is This my Official Interview?

<p>I just got an e-mail from Cornell, and here it is:</p>

<p>Dear Somerset County Senior,</p>

<p>This email is being sent to you because you are applying to one of the following colleges at Cornell University: Arts & Sciences, Engineering, Agriculture & Life Sciences, Human Ecology or Industrial & Labor Relations.</p>

<p>My name is ********** and I am Chair of the Somerset Country Cornell Admissions Alumni Network (CAAAN). CAAAN volunteers meet with Cornell applicants to provide information about Cornell and to learn more about each student. Due to the large number of students applying from the area, we are hosting a Cornell Day at The Pingry School and conducting individual meetings with applicants. The purpose of the day is two-fold:</p>

<li>to provide an opportunity for a one-on-one discussion with a Cornell alumnus to answer any questions you might have about Cornell and</li>
<li>for you to share any information about yourself that you could not or did not include in your application.</li>

<p>This meeting is optional but please reply to this email to indicate if you will or will not attend. We will pair you with an alumnus once we receive your RSVP; responding to this email will ensure that you will have the opportunity to speak with someone.</p>

<p>The details are:</p>

<p>Date: Saturday, January 31st
Time: a 30-minute slot scheduled between 9-12 noon;
your time will be based on your RSVP
Place: The Pingry School in Martinsville
RSVP: ****************** by Friday, January 23rd
*** Please reply if you will or will not attend ***
Dress: Informal/Casual</p>

<p>Your specific meeting time will be sent to you by email by Thursday, January 29th.</p>

<p>I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.</p>



<p>CAAAN Chair Somerset County</p>

<p>So, should I just assume that this will be my official interview? I am confused because I heard other people (albeit not around here) had individual interviews at somewhat private locations. If it is, does informal/casual just mean like a polo shirt and khakis? Thanks.</p>

<p>I think there’s some Cornell alumni who can answer this question better on this forum but in my opinion:</p>

<p>Yes, and yes. :slight_smile:
Good luck!!</p>

<p>Yep. That’s the one. It’s logistically easier to do something along these lines if you have hundreds of students applying to Cornell from your county.</p>

<p>Consider it optional, but highly encouraged.</p>

<p>Okay, thanks a lot Cayuga! I’m probably one of the few people who actually enjoys interviews because I like talking and seeing the actual products of a school I am highly interested in, so I’m excited.</p>

<p>Go figure, I got that same exact email, same exact county.</p>

<p>Hm, I’m from Somerset County and I’m not far at all from Pingry (like 10 minutes). No e-mail.</p>

<p>Just curious, where are you from in Somerset. I’m from B-Ridge.</p>


<p>hey! i got that same email!
…And…I’m going!</p>

<p>Best of luck to both of us? I’ll see you there?</p>

<p>Pingry is about 30 min away from me, i’m in Branchburg.</p>

<p>Yeah, the informal thing made me think jeans and sweatshirt (wanna be comfortable…). I dunno, anyone from Cornell, here to help out?</p>

<p>Yeah, hopefully I will see you guys there. I have a G-town interview at 9:30, so I can only hope that they will accept my request for a late interview around 11:30. I’ll probably end up wearing a sweatshirt/jeans combo too.</p>

<p>I’m from Warren and I go to WHRHS. No e-mail or notification. Maybe it’s because I submitted my application on the very last day possible and it took some time to process everything so my name didn’t go out to the alumni?</p>

<p>doubtful, i don’t think warren is as close as Branchburg is (30 min away from interview place, roughly)</p>

<p>i think warren is just out of the search beacon</p>

<p>please understand that not hearing from Alumni doesn’t mean you are not a qualified applicant - Cornell Admissions sometimes takes a while to process applications and refer them to the CAAAN group - my area has two sets of twins applying and in each set one twin’s name was sent to us for contacting way before the other</p>