<p>I got a 12 on my essay and according to the score details, I got three wrong. My score was 750. Is this normal? Just a question because I've never had a proper writing test before :( Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>You should definitely had had at least 780 …</p>
<p>Hmm. Could it be that the test had a harsh curve? Now I am worried…</p>
<p>Well,many people in that forum share the opinion that the test had a harsh curve.It is not up to you…</p>
<p>Did you omit those three? If you answered them all, you got minus four on the raw score.</p>
<p>Greetings to CB and their curves ;]</p>
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<p>Umm…I got a 12 on my essay on a previous test and missed 3 and got a 740 =P…so your curve was still better than mine.</p>
<p>3 wrong gives you (and me) the oh-so-$h1tty 71 multiple choice. i’m so angry, if i just omitted one of those 3 instead of getting it wrong, i would’ve had something like a 74 or 75, giving me my 2300. ghey.</p>
<p>^^^ argh, I guess with the harsh curve, 750 makes sense…hey, I took the sat, seriously. I should have omitted one of them haha but again, c’est la vie :/</p>
<p>12 on essay ,missed 3 and got 740 ?I cant believe this :);]</p>