Is UM's superficiality how it really is?

<p>Hey to all!</p>

<p>Here's a funny story. So, I went to visit UM last Christmas, LOVED IT. BUt, no students were there. I loved the campus alone.</p>

<p>Came back and auditioned for their Frost school of music around the beginning of February, perception completely changed.</p>

<p>I saw really superficial people, gucci purses, blha blah blah, I think...I counted 50 ipods in 10 minutes. hahaahah. It turns out that I did get accepted.</p>

<p>I ended up going to Tulane and I want to transfer out of here ASAP!!! I do noooooooooot like it.
But I hear tulane and um are really similar in the superficiality aspect.</p>

<p>But I'm looking at Miami weird as that sounds...b/c i love love the city and i love florida. And frost school of music is wonderful I've heard.</p>

<p>Just wondering...Despite the superficiality, is it easy to make friends with normal, down to earth people? I am scared that if I went I'd just be in a huge jock school with a bunch of rich people...but I know that's a stereotype, forgive me I swear haha. i mean, even at tulane (which has TONS of rich snobs,) I have found a good amount of really nice people. But miami seems different.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Are many UM kids the scion of rich parents, yes>?</p>

<p>Are they all superficial, not on your life? You will find many different types of kids and many motivated smart kids by virture of UM's admission policy. Just keep an open mind, and I promise you will find a crowd that you fit in with.</p>

<p>Can I ask why you don't like Tulane?</p>

<p>Doesn't have my major, WAYYYY too much partying, real snobby, lack of academics, no sense of community...the list goes on lol.</p>

<p>wow...i've applied to both schools for next year, but my enthusiasm has dropped since reading your words of wisdom...</p>

<p>why not try a public school? usually they seem to have more diverse populations? i would apply to have nothing to lose.</p>

<p>thanks for your honest thoughts.</p>

<p>is their superficiliaty here? yes
are you going to find gucci purses and ipods? yes
but i dont think you can honestly name a single school where that doesnt occur. While that may all be here, there are plenty of of people who are incredibly down to earth and could honestly care less what designer made your purse. It's all in what you make of it. I had heard this before I got here, and have i run into it? absolutely. But i'm in my second year here, and I absolutely love it. I have a great group of friends and not a single one of us is here on daddy's money...we all worked incredibly hard for our scholarships in high school, and that work ethic doesnt disappear once you get to college. And if you've been accepted into Frost, that's quite an opportunity. The music schoool is outstanding.</p>

<p>My advice: get involved, join organizations you have a passion for to meet people, don't stand on the side lines, take advantage of what this school has to offer and you will find your community.</p>

<p>UM is exceptionally diverse, and if you want to succeed here, I'm sure you will. It's all in what you make of it.</p>

<p>My son's experience has echoed Redsox's to a T. The stereotype is definitely present but there are plenty of kids who are much more down to earth. You just may have to make more of an effort to find them as they don't make as bold a statement. If you are looking for a school with an unpretentious, laid-back feel, UM is NOT it, but if you want a school full of energy with a diverse population, this is it. My son prefers to shop at thrift stores rather than A&F and has had no problems finding a great group of friends and fitting in. He loves UM and all its offerings. </p>

<p>Keep in mind that most of the kids at UM, whether they fit the stereotype or not, are very bright and do take academics seriously (2/3 graduated in the top 10% of their hs class). The ones that are there for the glitz and beach don't last more than a semester or two. That said, it is a work hard, play hard school.</p>

<p>I'm sorry things aren't working out at Tulane; good luck in your transfer quest. An acceptance into Frost would give you some wonderful opportunities, it is a great place to study music. Let us know how you make out.</p>

<p>Yes, I agree with the above two posters, that many UM kids are bright and hard working. There is a great deal of diversity as well. However, there are also many kids who do fit the stereotype and are of the superficial variety. It's true that you need to find the kids who you are comfortable with and you may have to work a bit to figure this out. As suggested above, I think clubs and organizations do help in this regard.</p>

<p>UM does have a lot to offer and the Frost School of Music does have an exceptional reputation. However, if you are looking for a laid back, down to earth environment, I don't think this is it.</p>

<p>as a freshman at UM i can say that sure, there is a lot of superficiality at miami. i won't lie about that, and i can't say that i don't have gucci and chanel purses. but you should keep in mind that the kind of purses that people carry and the cars that they drive don't necessarily indicate the type of person that they are. i've met so many friendly and intellectual people and i know that a lot of them will be life-long friends. it's a good-sized school and it's easy to meet people here, so you will definitely find a niche if you put out the effort. </p>

<p>also, the school of music definitely sounds like the type of place/people that you're looking for. i frequently find myself going out of my way to walk through the music school on my way back to my dorm because the people are so chill and laid-back.. sitting around in the courtyards, singing, playing their instruments outside, etc. i just really enjoy it around the music school, and if i could sing or play an instrument then i would love to be a part of it. </p>

<p>in one of your above posts you say that tulane has too much partying... if that is a huge deciding factor for a school then miami might not be the place for you. most people i know go out wed-sun, if not more. obviously, not everyone does this, but it's something to think about.</p>

<p>i know this post wasn't very cohesive, but if you have any specific questions feel free to message me! good luck with everything!</p>


<p>GOOD point! Hahba. I try really hard not to discriminate against people (I mean I love fahsion and all,) it's just like the people that I met at UM were kinda like...I don't know how to say it without coming off as offensive, you know what I mean I just won't say it haha. And like I'd be like "excuse me what time is it?" and they'd just keep walking. Weird. It might've been an odd day I visited on haha. What canI say?</p>