Is University of Wisconsin - Madison a good fit for me?

<p>I have a 4.2 GPA out of a 5.0 scale (weighted)
- I have a 29 on my ACT score
- I'm REALLY involved in my school. I'm part of 8 clubs, not including Track and Field (JV... not a good runner.. regardless)
I'm also on two executive boards, one the National Honor Society
- I'm going to study science... most likely Biology, and go pre-med
- I'm the type of person who studies hard. I do my work, BUT I do like to relax/have fun/go out with friends after I'm done with a hard week. I don't plan on going crazy in college because I'm not into the whole crazy party scene. I know people say that all the time, but I'm not the kind of person to party hard. I'd rather go to a party for a little, then hang out with my close friends after and chill with them.
- I hate being competitive. I do better when other people don't ask me what my ACT, test score, lap-time, etc. are. I don't like that attitude towards life. However, a little competition wouldn't hurt. I know all schools are competitive, but I need a school that doesn't shove competition down my throat.
- I am not preppy and don't care about what brands people are wearing or where their from. I don't want to look beautiful all the time. Some people are obsessed with being perfect: perfect body, perfect image, perfect boyfriend/girlfriend, etc. I don't care. I dont want to be around other people like that. I want to be myself and I want to surround myself with people who are confident in who they are. I do care about image in terms of being respectable though. Again, I know that no matter where I go, there are going to be people like that everywhere, but if there's a school that has a little less of that, I would go there for sure.</p>

<p>so that being said... is UW a good fit for me?</p>

<p>Absolutely. </p>


<p>Overall the school would be a very well fit school for you. Madison is known as a party school, but it’s definitely avoidable. That being said, when my mom and I toured the school my mom didn’t like it due to the “competitive feel” it radiated… Personally, I didn’t get that vibe, however it’s definitely logical because it is one of the best schools in the Midwest. All in all though I think you’d do well there. </p>

<p>Is there excessive partying? And would I be limiting myself If I’m not into that while lifestyle? Basically, are there a lot of people who don’t party excessively?</p>

<p>Also, If I need help from my professors, can I get it easily and not fall behind easily. Will there be that safety net for me?</p>

<p>Although I’m not a student I do know numerous people who go there. It’s known for its constant partying, basically any day of the week you can find a party. However I’m sure if you’re not one to party you wont feel excluded and that you’ll be able to find people like yourself. Also, prerequisite classes at madison are generally pretty big, but they do have smaller subclasses where you go over the content learned in the big class. I’m sure then would be a good time for clarification. Other than that Im not sure the effort the professors put into helping students. I’m sure, like most places, it varies from teacher to teacher rather than the school as a whole. </p>

<p>Professors and TAs have office hours- use them. YOU need to make the effort, be self directed and seek out any help. </p>

<p>UW will be a unique experience for every student. It is large enough and diverse enough to suit many different lifestyles.</p>