Is VA Tech a bunch of abercrombie-wearing kids or is it more diverse?

<p>ahh ive got less than a week (May 1st!) to decide between JMU and VA TECH and i'm freaking out!</p>

<li><p>i just visited tech and it was raining so i felt i didnt get to see enough of the students. from what i saw, the student body seemed somewhat fratty and not quite as "interesting" as JMUs. My question is, are there all different types at va tech or is it mainly people who like country music and american eagle? when you go to a party do you find people who are all kind of the same or all there all different groups (skaters, preps, stoners/hippies, artists, crazy asians, etc).
oh and how is the party scene "different" between jmu and va tech (i saw that comment on a previous blog)</p></li>
<li><p>how hard is it to get into the bussiness school? im in university studies and i tried to transfer but the program was full and its restricted. what kind of a gpa do i need to be accepted into the program? </p></li>

<p>+is the math emporium really that aweful or is it pretty easy? has anyone taken engineering calculus (how tough is it?)</p>

<p>Fratty? I wouldn't say so. Most of my friends are typical college students who wear hoodies and jeans and stuff. I don't know many people that like country music down here. As for those groups, I've seen them all around, but I have a pretty tight-knit group of friends I hang out with.</p>

<p>The parties are good. You'll see all kinds of people at them.</p>

<p>Business school is 2nd hardest to get into next to engineering. I remember you need a pretty good GPA to transfer into business (with emphasis on the intro business courses).</p>

<p>The math emporium isn't as bad as people say and is a good place to study sometimes. Calc 1205 (I think that was the number) was a piece of cake, so was Calc 1206. Once you get into Multivariable Calc and Diff. Equations it gets tougher.</p>

<p>2 times i've visited (once for 3 days, another for 5 days), i noticed people from nj, lots of southern va like newport news/va beach, and nova people, as well as md and one from tn.</p>

<p>some different types of kids, including the "crazy asians" <= (lol) fobbies and americanized and some totally cracker-fied. its all good at tech. thing is, not many blacks and spanish people, but less spanish than black. this was actually common among the 7 campuses i've visited (umw, vt, uva, umdcp, jmu) and vcu & gmu have a large population of minorities.</p>

<p>ahh i see, but are the Multivariable Calc and Diff. Equations classes taught in the math emporium as well or in the classroom? </p>

<p>also, i want to go to vtech but i might go to jmu simply because im really worried about getting into the bussiness program (at jmu i shouldnt have any problem majoring in what i want). I was accepted into vtech's honors program, but it seems my chances of getting into pamplin are high only if i get a 3.5 or above. are the intro classes challenging, making it hard for me to get a high gpa, or are they possible to get A's in?</p>

<p>tech is slightly more preppy than JMU (i've been to jmu multiple times because I have good friends there)... BUT with that said, overall its very very relaxed- NOT solely "frat" "sorority" oriented (though if that's something you're interested in, there is plenty of it). I would say the business school is better here than at JMU, and you should not have a problem transfering in if you maintain around a 3.5 gpa, ect. </p>

<p>good luck with wahtever you decide, </p>

<p>also, blueeyes0072, if you were accepted to the honors program you should have no problem gettin into the business school. before you take the easy way out and go to jmu because ti's easier to get into their business school- call pamplin and ask to speak to someone about your concerns. I know TONS of people who have transferred into the business college. Plus, if you got into the honors program you have to maintain a certain gpa anyway, and with that gpa you'd be fine. It is pretty easy to get A's in a lot of classes, not just intro, if you GO TO CLASS. I honestly can't stress how important BEING in class is (some of my friends still wont conceeed to the idea that the reason they do poorly is because they sleep through class...). You'll be fine, I promise. But call the office just for some reassurance.</p>

<p>oh, and the business is not the second hardest to get into. Architeture is by FAR the hardest to transfer into, over engineering and business, because of the limited number of slots available, and the required summer program upon getting in. The business school raised its standards to be more competitive, but that doesn't mean they're turning away qualified students. So don't stress to much.</p>

<p>thanks that helped a lot :)</p>

<p>yeah i was just worried that i'd get there and the classes would be harder than i thought, which would make it tough to get a 3.5.</p>