Is virginia tech a good safety?

<p>If im going to do business is vtech a good safety school in virginia?</p>

<p>The definition of a safety depends on the person and his/her stats. For some William and Mary could be a safety (very rare admittedly) and for others Tech would be a reach. It isn’t guaranteed admission, which in my opinion would mean a safety for everyone, if that is what you are getting at.<br>
Tech is known within VA to be more of a numbers based admission’s process versus holistic.</p>

<p>alright so would it be easy for me to get in based on these stats?</p>

<p>UW GPA- 3.8
Sat- 2070, 1410
ACT- 32 </p>

<p>SAT II- Math II- 800 Us History- 720</p>

<p>lots of leadership positions and on and off school extra curriculars</p>

<p>instate too</p>

<p>your numbers certainly meet what they look for. But in all honesty I have never understood chance threads:-). To me it is like do you think my lottery numbers will win…I say this because there are always odd situations. Kids I thought would get into every college they applied to, don’t and kids who I thought were wasting money on reach schools end up getting in.
Last year a friend of my son, applied to Tech with similar numbers (2100 SAT) and solid ec’s and didn’t get into Tech. Got into other state schools (in-state) though, and is seemingly happy where he is. I know of a current applicant, who applied ED with lower numbers than the first student I mentioned, who got in…</p>

<p>So, yes even though I stated numbers rule for Tech admissions, nothing’s guaranteed in the crazy world of admissions…</p>

<p>However, if I were a betting person, I would say you are in</p>

<p>People say VT is safety w/ those stats if your OSS… b/c they need more OSS students.</p>

<p>Maybe try VCU or Mason for a safety. It’s significantly harder to get into Tech instate then it is out of state, so unless you have perfect numbers then it’s not the best safety. And seeing how Tech doesn’t look at extra-curriculars nearly as much as other schools.</p>

<p>That being said I got into the business school with the same GPA and similar SAT scores with absolutely 0 extras, but I had friends who were waitlisted with similar statistics.</p>