Ithaca campus and new york city campus?

<p>This is probably the dumbest question ever, but I'm just curious. What the differences? Are the undergraduates in Ithaca and Is new york city a graduate college?</p>

<p>The Ithaca campus is both graduate and undergraduate. The New York City campus is a graduate campus for the medical sciences.</p>

<p>I always used to hate it when I had a class scheduled in the New York City campus 15 minutes after a class in the Ithaca one ended.</p>


<p>It’d be worse if you had another class in Qatar.</p>

<p>my freshman year…i had a classes in ithaca, puerto rico, maine, and qatar…too bad i never had one in nyc </p>


<p>wow you traveled a lot in between classes</p>

<p>NYC also has an architecture school there (dont know about grad, but i know the 3rd or 4th year UGs can go and study there for a semester) right near the weill medical school (for grads obviously)</p>

<p>conveniently, cornell has a “campus to campus” bus that runs back and forth from ithaca to nyc a couple of times a day, everyday. good for if you dont go home for fall break and want to go into the city or if you live in the nyc area</p>

<p>How far of a drive is it? Two hours or so?</p>

<p>Unfortunately, no. The drive between NYC and Ithaca is closer to five hours.</p>

<p>Oh wow. Well I live in Southern California, my New York geography is a bit off, I suppose.</p>

<p>Does it cost money to go on the bus that goes from Ithaca to NYC? and is there a bus schedule online?</p>

<p>damn it dragon! Answer my gpa question! I want to be you!</p>

<p>the CAMPUS TO CAMPUS bus is more expensive than the bus operated by…uh i forget lol…</p>

<p>shortline, I believe you’re looking for RB</p>
