It's FINALS week 2012!

<p>Hurray! 5 finals and 5 days until he comes home for Christmas! (Aero and Calc III finals today, back-to-back…ugh…)</p>

<p>Roll Tide that Finals go well for everyone!</p>

<p>Wow…this semester went by fast! </p>

<p>Son only has one final this week. Other classes either had them last week or had projects.</p>

<p>Ah, the joys of finals week…</p>

<p>Good Luck to all our students!!</p>

<p>Don’t forget to put your books under your pillows at night…</p>

<p>^^^Why? Does the “Finals’ Fairy” visit and take the books leaving good grades behind? (lol)</p>

<p>that is to help all the knowledge from the book seep into your head while you are asleep.</p>

<p>i am not sure it works that well, though! </p>

<p>: )</p>

<p>final grade reports are starting to roll in … so far, so good! : )</p>

<p>If only it worked that way, maybe it works this way…put the books under the pillow and then it so uncomfortable, you can’t get to sleep and you get up to study more. Hahaha</p>


<p>Even better!</p>

<p>My poor daughter went to her physics exam this am and realized that she did not have her calculator! She had switched backpacks to her waterproof one since it was raining, and totally forgot to put it in. I can’t even imagine how she must of felt, she had no time to run back to her dorm. Thank goodness she is early for everything and was able to run to the Ferg and use her action card to buy another scientific calculator ($20.00) from a vending machine (who would of thought???). Anyway, so thankful for her quick thinking and for UA having a school supply vending machine!!! She sat down soaking wet at 8:01. Phew!
She thinks she did well still, although it was very difficult navigating through a new calculator. She had a much needed 4 hr. nap this afternoon! Oh the joys. :-)</p>

<p>That is priceless…both in terms of her quick thinking, and UA’s vending machines.</p>

<p>I had no idea they had vending machines with calculators and school supplies in them. What a great idea. Good thing she was nice and early!! Doesn’t that always happen when you switch purses, wallets, you always forget something important.</p>

<p>I talked to my D earlier today and she and her friend were studying in some room they stumbled upon in the engineering building that was equipped with Smart Boards that they were writing notes on and then downloading the notes to their laptops. They had the room all to themselves. It also had some comfy leather chairs for relaxing in. She said the library was packed, so they found this place!</p>

<p>Good luck to all, and Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>^^^We saw the vending machines for the first time this past weekend (there’s one right outside of the new Starbucks across from the Supestore.) Great idea!</p>

<p>Reminds me of the Texas Instrments SR-10 ??? that my daddy bought me to take to college in 1975…cost a (then) HUGE $200 and I don’t thin it even took a square root.</p>

<p>I know you can get freebies NOW that are solar powered that have more functions…</p>

<p>^^^^Too funny! And here my DD was feeling horrible for spending the $20.00! haha… what a dear child! Can’t wait to have her home on Friday!!!
And yes RobD, those vending machines just saved my daughter’s day!!! Thank God!</p>

<p>Saw that vending machine the other day. I almost spend the $3.50 it requested for correction fluid, but I just couldn’t go through with it…it just wasn’t that much of an emergency. But an emergency calculator is a great use for it. lol</p>

<p>I hope they install more of those machines in every classroom building eventually.</p>

<p>That is a great idea! Will have to tell my son about them. What a lifesaver!</p>