IU Kelley Petition Tracker 2023

My daughter petitioned on 10/12 and received her notification of admittance today!


when did you turn yours in

I believe that she was admitted into IU around 9/10 and she submitted her petition to Kelley around 9/15.

If it doesn’t say “pre-major” or “pre-business” then you are a Direct Admit.

where do you check this

Could you post your daughter’s academic stats? Thanks.

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Mine petitioned early November 3.82 (4.6 weighted) missed the sat by 10 points. 6APs taking 5 more senior year - good luck to all

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Today my daughter got the acceptance from Kelley - she is a DA


On your admissions status page, if the major noted does not say “pre-business” or pre-major, then you should be a direct admit into the school.

Got mine last night 8:15 AM MST. Good luck to all of you guys!! :slight_smile:


Some things say you’ll here by April 14th which is after the direct admit day…if we already heard from IU how long to hear about the appeal?

So two months?

Most people hear about the appeal in 4 to 6 weeks. Most of kelley class is filled by march which is usually when the direct admit day is held.

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After getting the direct admit email is there anywhere in my One.IU account or within the Application Status page that will update to show direct admit status? I’m still waiting and praying for a direct admit email but was wondering if there’s anywhere else in the portal to look?

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My D23 got her direct admit email this week, but her admissions status is still listed as Pre-business. I don’t think there is any other indication that she was given direct entry on One.IU. That said, she was able to register for the Kelley Admitted Student Day event at the end of March on IU’s website. Prior to her receiving the direct admit email, she tried to register just to see what would happen, and she got an error message saying that she was not eligible. Once she got the email, she was taken to the registration page. So who knows…maybe keep giving that registration a try. I suspect that they have it “go live” once you’ve receive direct entry.

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This is very helpful info….thx so much!

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My son got into IU on 11/1, petitioned Kelley in October. No email yet from Kelley.
Today the portal shows :
Program : University Div-Pre-Business
Plan : Entreprenshp&Corp. Innov.
I’m pretty sure that last week it didn’t have the Plan filled out.
Any insights ?


My son’s had the plan filled out on the day he was admitted - he texted me a picture of the screen. He is awaiting the decision on his Petition.


I believe the admittance after petitioning comes as an email from bschool@indiana.edu. For my son as well, the plan has been Supply Chain Management since the day he was admitted to IU on 10/18. We are still waiting for that email on our petition with our fingers (and toes) crossed.