<p>Yes. From my experience, the HYPSM could really care less because so many people with high SAT scores apply anyway. There's a threshold value for the SAT, and past that, it ceases to matter and the "soft" factors (like essays) in your application come into play. If you look at the accept/reject posts there are people with 2100s and people with 2400s.</p>
<p>I'm kind of new here. But I noticed that you are taking both math SAT IIs. Maybe some of the more experienced posters can comment about this, but I was under the impression that one should take only one math SAT II (based on your math level). Maybe consider taking English Lit or a foreign language?</p>
<p>You have very good ECs and definitely show some deep interests in politics. Your GPA and SAT scores are slightly below average for the Ivies.</p>
<p>I have mediocre/good ECs (school leadership, considerable volunteering), very few awards, and have shown somewhat of a passion for a few things (math, art, and anthropology, although that last one is harder to define, and so will most likely devote the essay to that.)
But I have top 4% (about the same as you), a 97% average (which, when I figure it out according to Princeton Review's 4.0 scale, is a 3.95UW GPA), and a 1500 SAT.</p>
<p>Who has the better shot?</p>
<p>No clue, but this questions plagues me all the time.</p>
With a 2050 no chance at HYPM, little chance at others. With a 2150 you are a very average candidate and would probably have a chance under 20% at all, under 10% at HYPMS. Your ECs show passion for politics. but there's no significant leadership.
<p>Ummm...I'm not sure why he's saying there is no significant leadership, when he's been drum major in marching band? Frankly, that takes a HELL of a lot more leadership than being Senior Class president, or whatever.</p>
<p>Play up the music stuff on your application, and list out all the awards you've gotten. Try to even discuss your role as drum major a little bit; it will definitely help you get into an Ivy. Also, do WHATEVER you can to raise your SAT scores...up until 5:00pm Friday night, at which point you should begin to relax.</p>
<p>I wouldn't worry too much about comments here. A 4.5 W GPA and lots of experience working as a Congressional page is impressive--I just wish you were a Democrat. Oh,well.</p>
<p>You say you are interested in business and government--so schools like U Penn, Lehigh, Georgetown, Texas-Austin, Boston University, USC, North Carolina, NYU, Cornell, Berkeley and Michigan would be the likely candidates. But I've got to be honest with you--you will be given lots and lots of flack at NYU and Berkeley--and possibly singled out by professors (not so much the business ones, but the gen ed ones)--so I'd rule those schools out. U Penn would be great, but you either need a recommendation from the Congressman, or a 2200 SAT or both to get into Wharton--still, I'd make that your reach since it is in-state. I don't understand MIT since it is good in business--but not known at all for government courses--and it's a reach based on stats.</p>
<p>I think you have a good shot at the others--and while only UPenn and Cornell are Ivies the others are top-notch schools--especially in business.</p>
<p>P.S. I disagree with your comment about 2100 versus 2200 not making that much difference. Sometimes it makes ALL the difference. I wouldn't be quite so cavalier about it if I were you-- but yes, I agree the higher the better--and yes, I see the politician in you coming out.</p>